The date ♥

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  Later that night as we're getting ready to leave I get a text from my best friend Trinity. “Hey giiiirl haha, didn't get to see you guys when you got here! Why don't you guys come back backstage so can say hi to my babies!" I instantly smile and reply haha, I'm sorry! I'll be back there in like 10 minutes!" After I send the text I pick Ariana up & hold Jacobs hand.

  We start making our way to the backstage entrance. Jacob and Ariana both look at me confused.

  “Ma, what are we doing back here?" he questions.

  “Auntie Trin wanted to see us" I say in a matter-of-fact way.

  “Yay! I wanna see Jon too! You think he will wet me paint his fwace?" Ariana shouts. I laugh at the thought of her painting Jon (Jimmy Uso)'s face.

  “Maybe not Mija. I think he already took it off." I laugh and shake my head.

  “Ahhhhh man!" she groans

  We walk towards the catering area. When we enter my eyes immediately me Joe's. I blush a little and look away. I thin he did the same... wait he did the same??

  I was so confused I didn't notice Trinity snapping her fingers in my face.

  “Heeelllloooo?? Letty!!! Leticia? Is anyone there?" I finally hear.

  “Oh hey, what?" I shake out.

  She turns to see what I was looking at. “Ooohhh Letty has her eyes on Joe" Her teeth full smile breaks out across her face.

  “Shush! The whole world doesn't have to know!" The words spilled out my mouth.

  “Okay, okay. So how've you been? And how are my babies!?" She shrieks playfully pushing me out of the way to see Ariana and Jacob.

  “Twin Twin!" Ariana shouts running up to her. I hadn't even noticed her out of my arms.

  “Hey Ari!" She says bending down to pick her up. “I missed you so much!"

“Me too!" Ariana says hugging Trinity and giving her a kiss on the cheek. I looked back to see Jacob talking to Jon and Randy Orton. There was amazement filled in his eyes.

I get a cold chill on my back. I turn around to see Joe. I smile and he opened his mouth, but I heard nothing come out. I was to busy staring into his beautiful eyes.

“Can you?" His eyes filled with excitement.

  “I'm sorry what'd you say?" I blink and ask.

  “I wanted to know if you wouldn't mind having dinner with me tonight?" he repeats.

  “Well, I don't really have someone to watch my kids." I answer glancing back at them.

  “I can!" Trinity shouts. “You guys go have fun" She said a bit quieter.

  “Yea mom! You guys can go be grown ups. We can hang out with Auntie Train & Uncle Jon... He will be there right?" Jacob asks turning his head to Jon.

  “Of course!" He chuckles.

  “Well it's a date" Joe smiles “I'll meet you guys back here in about 10 minutes." We all nodded our heads in agreement and they go to their locker rooms.


  We're waiting for the waitress. All we've done is laugh. He is so goofy. I can't believe his persona is so serious! This man can make anything funny. And shall I go into detail about his perfect body?

  When the waitress comes, she could not take her eyes off of Joe. Is she serious right now? She's lucky I don't slap her right now.

  “Excuse me!? There is another person sitting here!" I poke her in the arm.

  “What!?" she snaps.

  “Is that really what you want to do right now?"

  “Oh hey, let's just order..." Joe tries to change the subject.

  “Right, what would you like sir," I get up walk to the restroom.

  This chick is one more prissy comment for getting her head bashed in. Honestly I'm not even jealous, that fact that she's completely ignoring me is what is making me mad.

  I hear a loud knock on the door. I open it to see Joe standing there with a worried look in his eyes. He extends his hand out and says “We don't have to stay here. We can try somewhere else" I smile.

  “It's cool, I just wanted to get outta there before I did something I would regret." he instantly laughs, his deep husky laugh.

  “Feisty, I like them feisty," I burst out laughing. Why was he so funny?

  “Oh goodness," I clutch my side


Sorryfor not updatinginsolong! Buthereyougo! Pleasecomment & letmeknowwhatyouthinkofit. Itwouldmakemesohappy :) And voteswouldbenice ;) |Ale|

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