Chappie 1: Take That! Suckers!

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Chappie 1: Take That Suckers!

Ooh! Life's great! Me, Lilliana Tui Jaggerint Yatia, just got Expelled!

To most people this isn't a good thing but this school was really getting on my nerves, I mean! Just cause I made Jessie McMillin's pimples turn neon colours and scream "kiss me! Kiss me!" I got a three week suspension.

Anyway, thymewood school of magical folk turned me down within a month of me starting. Why is this so great? You ask, Well! I just bet my personal record of quickest to be kicked out.

The reason why I get expelled from all these schools on purpose is so my parents will let me go to Hogwarts! Ever since I was young I've wanted to go there but to my utter dismay (what a cool word! Dismay) they made me go somewhere "closer to home"

Annyywhhooo... I was sliding down the banister to our epic grand staircase (I'm pureblood by the way, but that don't mean I'm like a Malfoy) when my mum came in dragging a cauldron full of books and other useless stuff

"Oh mummypoopykins?" I cried

She sighed and replied "Yes dear?"

"What next?"

She smiled softly and said "What are we talking about?"


She sighed again and said "Hogwarts."

I screamed and did a little dance, I said little? Nope! I rushed around the house bogeying it out with the house elves, doing such dance moves as BBQ chick (Hop around on one leg waving your arms) and dieting turtle (Moan and roll around on the floor.)

After I had calmed down I went to look at my new stuff. It was the usual so I just lay on the floor. After a while my lovely owl Rakiki came sparkling over to me.

Why sparkling?

Well! When I was is first year I decided he was a bit boring so I painted him with colour changing ink. It stained his feathers and mum couldn't get it out so he stays that way. He likes it colourful anyway.

It may not seen like it but I am incredibly smart too. Last year I successfully removed the trace from myself so, as long as no one sees me I can do magic away from school.

After lots of anticipation pranking and happy pranking the day finally came. I strutted down to kings cross station and easily strolled through the barrier separating platform 9 3/4 from the rest of the station. It was absolute chaos in there. I suppose it wouldn't hurt to cause a bit more? Nah, save it for when the train starts.

I hugged my mum goodbye,putting a mini dung bomb in her back pocket ( I couldn't resist) and hopped on the train to get a good compartment. I was one of the first so most of the compartments were empty. I chose one down the back and say down wondering how I should introduce myself to the first people I meet. I got an idea and slumped down in my seat waiting for someone to enter. After a minute someone did. Me, being the amazing metamorphogus I am turned my eyes pearly white and looked at the people, there were four, the first had long, shaggy dark brown hair that fall off his perfect face, he was a player and I knew exactly how to prank him, the next was a tall boy with round glasses and black, ruffled up hair. The third had sandy hair and was covered in small, white cuts but if you looked past the scars you could see a kind, friendly person, the last was short and tubby, he had a round mouse like face and was looking extremely nervous.

I looked at them and said in a husky whisper:

"Four have come back from the land I knew...

One like old, two are new...

The last a tragic accident will come...

Unless you dread the past you run..."

They were looking pretty spooked out, I mean! You walk into an compartment and a girl with clammy skin and pale eyes starts 'Making a prophecy.'

"Day or nigh..."

The whistle blew and the train started moving.

"DAM!" I exclaimed pulling out my wand and morphing into my former self.

"Wha.." The nicest of the four started but I silenced him with a look.

"Chick-a-geddon!" I yelled waving my want out the window. All of a sudden chickens started appearing out if no where and swarming the station. I collapsed on the ground laughing my head off at the chaos sliding away, faster and faster, even a few of the guys in my compartment chuckled a bit, the small one still looked petrified though. I stuck my head out the window and yelled to the disappearing platform:



Was that good? I hope so cause it took me a while to write. Please feel free to point out any mistakes or anything cause I would really love for this to be a success. Thanks!


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