Fighting For Love

Start from the beginning

"Do you need to know?" Bucky asks defensively.

You nearly burst out laughing. Bucky is tense beneath you and you can sense the stand off between the two boys already. Bucky doesn't even know Dean although you're sure Dean has made sure that he knows all about Bucky.

"It was just a simple question," he chuckles incredulously.

"We're going out to the diner," you finally answer. "Now if you'll excuse me I should go get ready."

"Oh I'll walk you home!" Dean exclaims and reaches for you.

"O-oh no that won't be necessary." You stutter uncomfortably.

"Actually you know what doll?" Bucky says, pulling you away a little bit. "Forget what I said earlier, you can just wait here for me if you'd like."

"Okay sure." You jump on his offer, silently praising him. "Sorry Dean looks like I'm staying put, see you around."

"No problem," he says disheartened. "But don't forget to keep thinking about my offer."

"Oh I won't." You say sarcastically.

"Yep that's cool now let's head inside (Y/N/N)." Bucky interrupts and physically stares you in the opposite direction.

"Thank you." You whisper to him once you are out of earshot.

"Who was that?" He murmurs, his arm still around you.

"Dean, my ex-boyfriend," you answer quietly.

"Ex?" He questions, turning to you.

"Yes. Emphasis on the ex." You huff.

"Is he giving you trouble?" He asks concerned.

"Only since we started seeing each other. He wasn't interested before but apparently now he's got attachment issues."

"How bad?"

"Nothing serious but I think he wants to get back together."

"Oh hell no," Bucky grumbles through gritted teeth. "He needs to know that you're mine."

"Well I think he does for sure now." You giggle as he opens the front door of his families house for you.

"He better, but if it gets any worse I'll have to deal with him."

"I'm sure that won't be necessary," you try to reason with him.

"He looks so pathetic that it might only take little Steve to knock him one. I might not even need to get my hands dirty."

"Buck!" You laugh. "Seriously don't go causing trouble."

"Did you see the look on his face when I kissed you? It was priceless." He grins cunningly.

"Yes it was hilarious, I'm sure he got the message loud and clear. And thank you for saving me from him by the way."

"Anything for my best girl." He shrugs as you walk into his bedroom.

You pull away from him and go plop down on the edge of his bed while he gets changed. You can't help but ogle as he pulls off his shirt exposing his chiseled abs and the light chest hair sprinkling his prominent pecks. Disappointment twinges your stomach when he disappears into the shower but it is quickly overcome when he comes back out wearing a towel low around his waistline revealing his taught v-lines and dusting of hair poking out from the towel.

How can someone be this good looking?

You can't hide your excitement as you gawk at him walking across the room.

Pre War Bucky Barnes One ShotsWhere stories live. Discover now