Team Assembly: Part 1

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   It had not been too long after Albert had finally gotten that grant he was looking for- the funding he had received for his inventions definitely help, but it was not enough for his future plans- he had so much more to do. The only problem, is one man can only do so much- and he didn't intend on joining a scientific group anytime soon; he considered himself best to be a solo, or at most, the leader of a small team of scientists to strengthen humanity's technological growth. He had long since predicted an incoming era of scientific development that would boost his brethren's control over their fate, and the fate of others; nanotechnology, and quantum technology, are the two key things he took note of. But one field he also noticed, appeared to not receive the attention it deserved- AIs.

Albert Hawken was a fan of the idea of artificial intelligence- he had created a few in his day to assist in small tasks so he could keep at the big stuff. Not a bad idea, considering what he put on his table everyday, but even he knew he couldn't keep up forever; he was getting older, his mind growing slower, and his funding growing tighter- he could only continue as much as the grants allowed him- you'd imagine someone who's contributed as much as he has would have much more access to funding, but alas, no one is interested in the tinkering of a single man; even if that single man single-handedly revamped overshielding, the prototype of quantum computing, and theories on psionic manipulation. It bothered him how much society seemed to not care as much as it should on the sciences- oh, how well off humanity would be if it were more scientifically focused instead of militaristically; but that is not his concern today.

After several days of deep thought, alongside a well-deserved break to re-energize himself, he decided he needed assistants; people who could keep up with him and enhance the data he pumped out, and keep it flowing faster- and he knew just where to look.

Often times, Dr. Hawken was known for attending events at a nearby bar to socialize with friends every so often- surprisingly enough, the somewhat frail man is a heavyweight alcohol consumer, and rarely loses in drinking competitions- he will assure you only those of Russian blood have had a chance against him. However, this time, he wasn't there [just] to drink, but rather to mingle- he had heard rumors of a new fellow traveling around, that visited the bar on weekends to get a drink, and also get the snoop on information. He was hoping to run into this man, perhaps have a drink with him, and see who he is. If he had heard correctly, this man was also one of the sciences, and, considering his predicament, he could use a like-minded friend nowadays.

He was at the bartable for a couple hours, speaking with the bartender on current issues- apparently, the new head scientist for the SFE, Josef Max, got his position yesterday; he only hopes the man uses his newfound influence wisely. Then another man sat at the table, and ordered a shot of vodka- not many people get vodka around here; in Don's experience, he's only seen Russians or Germans generally get that- not trying to be like, stereotypical or anything, but that's what he's seen.

"Gimmie the usual, 'tender, some vodka'll do me good right now." The man mutters under his breath, getting comfy in the seat- looks like he's bothered by something at the moment.

"Heh.. you alright there, bud? Looks like you got a storm brewin' in ya." The bartender inquires, whilst reaching for the vodka stores to pour a shot.

"Well.. just losing my faith in humanity, that's all; another colony got raided recently by those pirate fleets in the outer sectors." He replies sharply, seemingly on edge about this circumstance.

Albert appears shaken by this- he's not a fan of these pirates at all, obviously, and to hear such an event occur is heartbreaking- he could never truly understand just why people go through such the effort to cause pain and suffering. He doesn't interupt the man, however, and merely continues ingesting his own drink.

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⏰ Ostatnio Aktualizowane: May 16, 2017 ⏰

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