Dun Dun Dun!

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Louis' P.O.V

"OPEN THE DOOR LOUIS!" Shit this wasn't good! How the hell did he even know I was here! He can't see Beth.

"Get dressed quick!" I yelled at her.

"Why?" She asked doing that cute face of hers.

"Just do it babe & I'll explain later" I said pecking her on the lips. She tasted so good he just had to ruin it! I couldn't fight him since he was the strongest in our group.

All of a sudden I heard the door fall down! This wasn't good! Atleast beth had a top on and I had some pants on. Still he's going to kill me even though I'm already dead. I can't let Beth get involved in this.

"WHERE THE HELL HAVE YOU BEEN" he shouted speeding over to me. He grabbed me by my neck and pushed my against the wall nearly breaking it!

"STOP!!!" Shouted Beth obviously frightened. Why did she have to speak! Liam dropped me but still had a tight grip on my neck. He turned to face her and his whole body went pale and he actually let me go? What The Hell Was Going On!?!?

"What is she doing here" he spoke coldy.

"Liam I can explain" I said getting up.

"I know who she is but why is she here?" He said getting mad but not shouting.

Beth's P.O.V

"I know who she is but why is she here?" Said this Liam guy. For some reason I couldn't stop looking at him beacause he reminded me of someone I knew a few years ago but I just couldn't remember who.

" Wait. How do you know me?" I asked feeling confused.

"You don't need to know that! Just tell me what are you doing here" he said calmer but with the coldness in his voice.

"Why should I tell you anything if you won't tell me a thing" I answered back.

"Because if you don't" he showed me his fangs trying to scare him and by instinct I hissed back at him showing my fangs and felt my eyes burn red.

"YOU CHANGED HER!" He turned his attention back to louis. I had to do something but it was too late. All I saw was glass shattering from the window and both of them were gone!

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