"Lynch Limits"

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Lynch Limits

I'd like to firmly state that all of the Lynch boys are ours and we shall not share.

Each and every one of the Lynch’s have their own uniqueness and those little things we notice about them, with every second of every movement from them, everything about the Lynch boys, plus Rydel, is ours.

We are incapable of sharing them because we don't trust you, and we must know that they are in good hands.

Although, we may strip them and tie them to a bed, you can not do such a thing. If this is the case with you, we shall have no choice but to hunt you down and murder you without leaving a trace of us behind.

Also, if you even dare suggest that you are married to one, you must be put to death because we cannot have people spreading such false information.

And if there are any screaming fan girls trying to break into R5's LA home or Colorado home, we shall peel you from the house and shove you into a dumpster truck. Because we will have people patrolling the houses, we are just that determined.

If anyone suggests that one of the R5 boys is dating another girl in real life, they shall be decapitated.

An example is Rocky. He is supposedly dating the model, Alexa Dowd. If she does anything to our Rocky, she will be hunted down and we will cut all of that pretty blonde hair off of her perfect head. Then she will be bawled. She will be crying. And she will be seriously upset. That's how serious we are about our Lynch boys, Ellington, and Rydel.

Speaking of Ellington and Rydel, nobody is allowed to date them since Rydellington needs to happen.  If anyone tries to impress or seduce either of them, they shall be thrown in the R5 prison jail thing where they will have to live with bald Alexa Dowd.

Rydellington must happen. And any Raura or Raia fans, you'll have to post pone your excitement. Neither Laura nor Maia will be getting Ross. Sure, I am a Raura shipper, but I'm post pone-ing so you can too.

Ross is to be shared between Courtney Lynch,Bella Lynch and Alyssa Lynch along with Ryland, Rocky, and Riker.  Yes we are going to be legally married to them.

No doubt about that.

Under the name of gods aka R5 so we're gonna be married to them under their names.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 01, 2014 ⏰

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