The argument

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Disclaimer: I do not own B-daman crossfire. Sorry if Dravise's backstory or Samuru's fear of storms are wrong. I made them up myself.

     Samuru was reading in the living room of his house. His dad was  typing on his laptop, likely doing some work on either B-daman or Archaeology. Normally, Dravise would have been with Samuru. However, after an argument, Samuru left him in his room while he went to the living room. 

      It was a strange argument. Samuru couldn't stop thinking about it.

     There was a crossfire tournament with both the East and West block. The tournmanent had just finished, but there was a storm, so Rory suggested that they stay inside until it clears up. Just then, the sound of thunder was heard nearby, making Samuru jump, startled. 

         Simon chuckled. "Who would have guessed that the cool, level-headed Samuru was afraid of a little thunder?" he said.

      "It is not Samuru's fault," Dravise said. "When he was younger, Samuru wondered off in a forest alone when a storm came. He had to find a cave to hide in for the night, without his dad to protect him. He was only nine at the time."

       Samuru looked at Dravise angrily. "How many times do I have to tell you that you talk too much?" he demanded. 

       "My apoligizies," Dravise said. 

          "Why can't you just stay quiet?" Samuru asked. "I wonder what life would be like without a talking b-daman." He muttered to himself. He didn't mean for Dravise to hear, but according to the B-daman's expression, he did. He wished he could take it back. However, it was too late. 

        "There was a person years ago who tried to eliminate a B-daman's power to talk," Dravise said. "I was glad that he failed, though I bet that you do not feel the same way."

        "I'm sorry," Samuru said. "I didn't mean it."

      "If you do not want me to talk, then I guess we're no longer friends," Dravise said. "The ability to talk is treasured by B-daman, and I cannot be friends with someone who wishes that we couldn't."

   That was the last thing Samuru remembered hearing from Dravise. He regreted what he said, but what did Dravise mean by someone trying to take away a b-daman's ability to talk? And did Dravise actually think that that's what Samuru wanted?

     "Dad, can I ask you something?" Samuru asked. " It's about B-daman."

     "What is it?" asked Gennosuke, Samuru's dad.

    "Was there anyone who wanted to stop a B-daman from talking?" Samuru asked.

     "Yes," Gennosuke replied. "Around twenty years ago, there was a man who believed that B-daman should only be used to win matches, not for companionship. He experimented on many b-daman before he was stopped."

      "But you said Dravise was the first B-daman made, and I'm thirteen now, so how did B-daman exist twenty years ago?" Samuru asked.

     "B-animals existed for a long time," Gennosuke replied. "They were just put into different bodies, but they vanished after a couple of years until we created something that can contain b-animals, which is the B-daman you know. The experiment the person who tried to stop b-daman from talking happened before then. Why do you ask?"

    ''No reason," Samuru asked. "I have to talk to Dravise now." With that, he went to his room. He was surprised when he opened the door.

       It was a mess, and the window was open. He saw no sign of Dravise. "Dravise?" he asked, looking around.

      All he saw was a note. He picked it up nervously and began to read it. 

         Your B-daman foiled my plan twenty years ago, it said. Now, I will finish what I started. If you agree to what I am doing, meet me in the abandoned factory. Come alone.

     Samuru knew what he had to do. He ran out of the house as fast as he could and headed towards the abandoned factory.

      "I'll get you back, Dravise," he said to himself as he continued running. "I promise."

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