"Spare my ears you dumb ass and besides there's nothing to scream Ahmer" I said calmly

"Really you left your newly wedded wife on the very first day of the marriage, people wouldn't see work for next fifteen days max when they are married. At least I wouldn't go work for whole two month once I am married" I rolled my eyes, I could see his dream eyes

"First my wife know my work is important, second dad sent me to handle this business, once it is set. Only then I could return London for good" I explained

"I pity my bhabhi, she would want to spent time with her newly wed husband" he said sadly

"I doubt that" I muttered

It is true after our heated argument, we didn't want to see each other. I don't know but her painful face comes in my work when I am working, it isn't fully 24 hours and she has already occupied my mind. I need to keep my distance

"I thought this marriage will change you , help you come out of your imaginary cave in which you are stuck" he said

He has watched Disney cartoon too much thank God he didn't say a true kiss will release me in whatever he thinks I m in.

"It's just a marriage of benefit no feelings attached" words got slipped from my tongue

"What do you mean?" He asked curiously. I can say he is narrowing his eyes

"Shayaan tell it's not what I am thinking, say it, its not like, you didn't make a marriage deal with someone, damn it say it's not like that and you did with your heart" he pleaded

"I am afraid but it is true" I said, I could feel he is getting angry. I told him everything

"Shayaan Ahmed do you have a f**king idea what have done, you destroyed a girl's life just for your selfish motive" he roared

"Woah! Hang on she also stepped in for saving her family, she also got the motive besides mom and dad won't back off from their agenda of seeing me married" I explained

"Really what if tomorrow they demand a grand child what will you both do" he asked

"How does giving a grand child is a problem if you are thinking of love then let me tell it doesn't have to do with that" I said calmly

"You are ridiculous" he spat in anger

"I will pray you fell in love with her first" he said making me chuckle

"Like it will happen, dude I dont do love, it doesn't exist for me" I said frimly

"Dude you will fall in love that to with your wife without even realizing" he said in the same tone that made me frown

"We will see" with that I ended up the call when my p.a announced meeting is ready

I attended two meetings and did some paperwork before heading home. It was my usual timing that I arrived home but what surprised me was my wife whom I had argument was dressed nicely standing with a fake smile I suppose that made me frown in her direction.

Something is really not seems okay

I mean she is standing as if nothing happened

"Assalm o Alaiqum get fresh I will heat the dinner for us" with that she disappeared in kitchen

No one tells me what to do, but still she casually ordered me. My stomach growled in hunger, I got changed and came to dinning table where she was putting plates for me which is odd for me. I mean no one did that for me, I always saw mom doing that stuff for dad like waiting for him to come and dine no matter how tired or hungry she is

Her Arrogant HusbandWhere stories live. Discover now