My name's Ry!

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March 1st, Changeling hive, Equestria

I groan and roll over.
Why does my head hurt so frickin much?
"You're awake!" An overly excited voice shouts.
"NO, I'M ASLEEP!!!!!!" I yell. O, god I'm tired. And hungry.
While I was debating with myself if I should get up to eat or try to fall asleep again I hear footsteps -or rather hoofsteps- enter the room.
"I heard you are awake." The voice sounded like it belonged to royalty. It had this royal ring to it.
"No, I'm still asleep. So there is no use in staying." I remarked half asleep.
"You know you are talking to royalty, right?" The voice -obviously female- asked me.
"And you know you are talking to a writer, right?" I could feel her confusion and it was amazing. I smiled before yawning and sitting up.
"Where am I?"
"You are at the changeling hive. I am Queen Chrysalis, Queen of the Changelings." She said on a tone that was supposed to be impressing.
"Okay, you can call me Ry."
"That isn't your name, is it?" She questioned.
"Nope!~ Ten points for guessing it. You now have a total of ten points!" At this point I was just acting the same towards Chrysalis as I act to my friends.
"Then what is your real name?" She looked at me. Scratch that. She observed me.
"I have lots of names! Like Red or Firework Sparks or Captain K or Flare or Miss Mascare or The Amazing Fire Goddess Of Fire And Hell And Death And Other Devilish Things." The look in her eyes was amazing. Truthfully really supermega amazing. "And that are not even half of them!"
"Oke, 'Ry'. Why did you accept the offer?" I gave her a pokerface.
"I am a writer."
"That doesn't explain anything."
"It explains a lot more than you think. How long have I been out actually?"
"About one full day."
"I could have slept a full week. I think I'm dimension jet-lagged."

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