“Why did it take so long? I thought you were just going to the bathroom.” He asked with a curious grin spreading on his face, I was really starting to like this boy. He was being very kind to me.

         “Well, I met a few other kids. Have you heard of Harry Potter? Well, of course you have. I mean, did you know he was coming to Hogwarts this year?” I blurted quite quickly, Draco’s expression changed dramatically.

         “Yeah, I’ve heard some rumours about it. I didn’t think it was true though.” He muttered, I noticed the tone Draco had while saying this. He sounded annoyed, mad and jealous even.

         “What’s wrong Draco?” I asked, but he waved me off and smiled at me.

         “I really do hope you’ll be put in Slytherin though.” He said changing the subject and going back to our earlier conversation.

When the train stopped, Draco said something about him needing to find some of his friends before they got to the castle, and then ran off with a wave. I got out of the train pretty quickly myself only to be shocked when I ran smack into a huge man.

         “Firs’-years! Firs’-years over here!” He yelled quite loud, and reluctantly all the first year Hogwarts students made their way towards him. I noticed Harry Potter giving him a quick hug before introducing his redheaded friend.

         “Ron, this is Hagrid. Hagrid, this is my new friend Ron.” I heard Harry say, before we all started walking. But we were going a different way than all of the other students, I was about to ask one of the other kids why, but then I remembered reading about it in Hogwarts: A History. The first years were supposed to sail in small boats across the Black Lake. I was put in a boat with that Neville boy, a pair of twin girls and a boy with a thick Irish accent. The sight of Hogwarts with magnificent, it was the most beautiful place I had ever seen. It was a huge castle, and it stood out in contrast to the dark evening with all the lights streaming out of its windows. I really hoped I wasn’t the only one with my mouth hanging open.

When we got into the castle we were asked to wait outside a huge pair of wooden doors by an old lady with a witches hat on. While standing there I got my first glimpse of the many ghosts who roamed the halls of the school, but shortly after the old lady came back and brought us into the beautiful great hall. I couldn’t help but gasp; it was amazing! At least a hundred candles were flying around the room and the ceiling was more than I had ever expected. The girl next to me looked so confused at the sighting of the room.

         “It's bewitched to look like the sky outside. I read about it in Hogwarts: A History.” I whispered to her. When we were standing up in front of the huge table at the end of the great hall, the lady from before put a chair with an old wizards hat on it in front of us. Everyone had quieted down as the hat began to sing.

When it was done the lady began talking. We were supposed to go up to the chair, and sit down with the hat on our heads and then the hat would sort us in the appropriate house. The sorting started out with the lady yelling “Abbot, Hannah!” the scared looking girl beside me started walking towards the chair. She sat down and put then hat on her head. Shortly after the hat yelled out: “HUFFLEPUFF.” And the girl went down to the table of her cheering housemates. People kept being called up, and at one point Draco caught my eyes and he winked at me mouthing the word ‘Slytherin’ and then smiled approvingly when my own name was called. I stumbled a little going up the few steps and then sat down with the hat on my head.

         “Hmm… lots of wit I see, you’re a smart girl. You’d fit into Ravenclaw. But I see that you have a lot of the Gryffindor bravery as well.” A voice said in my ear and I had to bite my lower lip so I wouldn’t scream and embarrass myself, “Better be… GRYFFINDOR!” the hat yelled out loud. I took it off and started walking towards the Gryffindor table as the first sorted student so far. I was greeted by a lot of people and I sat down to watch the rest of the ceremony. My heart sank when Draco was put into Slytherin. He was my only friend.

As the year went by I grew close to Harry Potter and Ronald Weasley. Though they always seemed to get into trouble, I became friends with them. The redhead seemed to take a dislike to me at first though because I was a know-it-all, and I must say I didn’t particularly like him either, but after he saved my life we forgot about that. I still saw Draco a lot. Mostly in secret, outside of classes and when none of his Slytherin friends could him hanging out with a Gryffindor. I noticed he was getting pretty jealous of all the attention Harry got, and he was very keen on winning the house cup. So I didn’t see him much towards the end of the year, but that didn’t matter to me. I had my own business with Harry and Ron. Ron and I basically helped Harry defeat the greatest wizard of all times, well except for Dumbledore, and that got Gryffindor a lot of points. So we ended up winning the House Cup, and Draco didn’t take that well. ‘He’s a bad loser’ I told myself when Draco avoided speaking to me the rest of the school year. He didn’t even come to sit by me in the train on our way home.

When we arrived at Platform 9¾ my parents were waiting for me. I looked for Draco on the platform and saw him looking for me as well. We got eye contact and he smiled apologetically and waved quickly at me before his mother engulfed him en a big hug. With that sight I left the platform with my parents. 

(A/N: So this was Hermione's first year at Hogwarts. I know it ended pretty quick, but this story is not all about how they met. I just need to get these first years out, before the story can really start.) 

Love Happens - A Draco/Hermione Story [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now