Chapter 11

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Harry's POV

"I'm happy for ya, man." My somewhat of a friend Niall says to me as he takes a seat on one of the library chairs. "She's pretty and all and I know you guys are really close and that should make a good relationship."

"Yeah.. She's just.. amazing." I say to him and he just nods while looking down at his phone.

"She's just amazing." I hear a mocking voice come from behind me and I turn around to a snickering Louis along with Katie and some other guy I've seen around school but never talked to.

"Oh, fuck off Louis. No one asked for your bullshit." I spit and immediately get shushed by the annoyed librarian.

"Sorry, did I get in the way of you talking about that whore you call your girlfriend?" He says and my fists clench at my sides.

"Watch out, mate." Niall buds in. "Wouldn't want Harry to rearrange your face again, would we?" He directs to Louis and smiles. When Louis doesn't respond the other guy from behind him speaks up.

"So, he got lucky. Doesn't mean he's any good." The mystery guy says.

"Dude, who even are you?" I ask and he just smiles.

"You really don't know?" He asks and I throw my arms up to show my confusion. "Zayn Malik?" He says and something about the name sounds familiar.

Then it hits me. Zayn Malik. He used to hang out with Louis all the time when we were younger and still friends. I never really bothered to be around him because at the time there was a rumor that he did drugs. I'm not sure if it was true or not but either way he was a total ass. 

I must have been zoned out for long because I feel Niall nudge my arm to speak up.

"Can't you guys just fuck off? I mean are your lives honestly so dull that you have to follow me around and insult me just to be doing something?" I say.

"Yeah honestly. Get a life asshole." I hear Niall direct towards Louis.

"Fine we'll leave. But know this, Styles." He points to me. "You don't intidimidate me for a second. And trust me I wont be leaving you alone until your life is the shit hole it should be." He adds, "But I'm not worried. If I don't fuck it up first I'm sure you will yourself." He says before turning on his heel and walking out of the library with Katie and Zayn following behind, leaving me and Niall in silence.

Alex's POV

"You're just so lucky! Harry just seems so sweet." Hailey, a new foreign exchange student I met today says to me as we walk down the pathway to my house.

"He is." I smile. "He makes me feel special, ya know?" 

"Not really.." She says and shifts her bag on her shoulder. "Hey, you can keep a secret, right?"

"Sure." I say and she stops walking. I stop and turn to face her.

"I've never really.." She begins. "I've never had a boyfriend." She looks down at the ground in embarrassment. 

"Awh.. I'm sorry. Hey, I think any guy would be so lucky to go out with you. They don't know what they're missing!" I tell her and she looks up at me.


"Yes!" I say. I'm not lying either. Hailey is actually very pretty and I was surprised when she told me that she hasn't had a boyfriend.

"C'mon, lets go to my house." I suggest and she smiles.

"Okay. I'll text my mom. She'll be happy I made a friend on my first day." She says and pulls out her phone as we continue to walk again.

We pass by the library and I see a group of people walk in. A group I didn't wanna see but my curiousity gets the best of me as I pull Hailey off to the side. 

"Hey what are we doing?" She asks in confusion when I pull her and I behind a bush. 

"Shh." I tell her and she stays quiet as Louis, Katie, and a guy with black hair in a quiff that I've never seen before walks across the yard and into the library.

"C'mon!" I say grabbing Hailey's arm and start heading to the library door.

"Wait who were those people?" She asks and I sush her again before entering the library. I immediately see Harry and Niall with their backs turned to Louis, Katie, and the other guy along with Hailey and I before I dodge behind a bookshelf where I'm in ear shot of their conversation

."I'm happy for ya, man." Niall says to Harry. "She's pretty and all and I know you guys are really close and that should make a good relationship." He says and I smile knowing they're talking about me.

"Yeah.. She's just.. amazing." Harry says and my stomach flutters.. Until Louis decides to ruin it. 

"She's just amazing." Louis mocks Harry before he turns around to face him.

"I'm so confused." Hailey says from beside me. "I thought we were going to your house." She says and I sush her again.

"Oh, fuck off Louis. No one asked for your bullshit." Harry says and I laugh to myself.

"Sorry, did I get in the way of you talking about that whore you call your girlfriend?" Louis says and my mouth drops and I watch Harry's fists clench. If this goes as bad as it did at the dance then we are in a shit ton of trouble. I don't feel like cleaning up Louis' blood off the library floor this weekend.

"Watch out, mate." Niall buds in. "Wouldn't want Harry to rearrange your face again, would we?" Niall says and I laugh under my breath as Harry and Niall have smirks plastered onto their faces.

"So, he got lucky. Doesn't mean he's any good." The unnamed guy says.

"Dude, who even are you?" He questions him and my thoughts.

"You really don't know?" He says and Harry puts his arms up in confusion. "Zayn Malik?" He says and Harry just sits there thinking.. and so do I. Something about that name is familiar but I haven't heard it in years. Niall nudges Harry to say something.

"Can't you guys just fuck off? I mean are your lives honestly so dull that you have to follow me around and insult me just to be doing something?" He scoffs. 

"Yeah honestly. Get a life asshole." Niall adds and I smile. I'll have to thank him later for having Harry's back like this.

"Fine we'll leave. But know this, Styles. You don't intidimidate me for a second. And trust me I wont be leaving you alone until your life is the shit hole it should be. But I'm not worried. If I don't fuck it up first I'm sure you will yourself." Louis threats, sending a chill down my spine.

He turns around and walks out, leaving Harry and Niall alone in silence with their jaws on the ground, like mine. 

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