I was on my way to lunch when Cynthia came up beside me.

"Oh. Hey, Cynthia." I said, turning to look at her as I walked.

"Hey, David!" She enthusiastically said back. She's known for being a little over the top.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Did you hear about the party?" She asked me.

"No?" I said, as I slowly shook my head.

"There's one Friday night. At Jessica's," She nudged me, "You should come."

I nodded, acting like I was considering it.

"Seriously, David." She said as she stopped me. "Everyone can see that you're hurting. Over someone. Coming to this party will get your mind off things."

I sighed, as I nodded again. "Fine, I guess." I did wanna' get my mind off Liza. It's exhausting. "What time?"

"12:00." She responded, "Am." She added.

I nodded, as I smiled, "I'll be there."


Friday night.

I stared at myself in the mirror, I was wearing black jeans, black Vans, and a black t-shirt. This is what I wear literally almost everyday, I don't know why I was staring at myself for so long.

I sprayed some cologne on, grabbed my car keys and headed out.

I got into my car, started it up and sat there for a few minutes before officially leaving.

In a matter of fifteen minutes, I pulled up to Jessica's house. I parked across the street, and stared at her house. "I'm gonna' have a good time." I said to myself. I was tired of being heartbroken and soft.

I got out my car, and walked towards the front door. I knocked, and looked around, it was pretty dead for a "party."

Jessica opened up the door, the sound of the door bringing my attention back.

"Hey, David!" She said.

"Hey, Jessica." I said back.

"You look nice." She told me, as her eyes wandered down my body.

"Heh, thanks," I looked down at my outfit, "Even though it's what I wear everyday."

"Maybe it's you without a hat that's making you look good; better than usual." She added.

Minutes flew by, of her just staring down at my body.

"Uh," I started, shoving my hands into my pockets, breaking the awkward silence and her staring at me, "Cynthia said there's a party tonight?.."

"Yeah," She hummed, "At 12." She pulled out her phone and looked down to check the time, "It's 7, right now."

That's why it seemed so dead.

"Oh," I said, "Well, I'll come back later. Later, later." I told her.

I turned myself around and was about to walk back to my car until Jessica got ahold of me.

"You can stay." She said softly, "You can help us prepare, if you want."

I sighed quietly and turned back around, "Alright." I mumbled.

Jessica held onto my arm, as she guided me into her home. She shut the door, and that's when she finally let go.

She headed into the kitchen, and I followed her.

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