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Leo Leone
-Enjoys porn
-Few friends
-A hot mess
-Works at an Internet cafe
His current mood: Wow ok.

It was usually extremely calm at the cafe he worked at but now it was nearing chaos. 2 employees were out sick, one with a hangover and another with a flu. Now 3 fighters remained, fighting against the flow of students coming in after classes from the nearby college.

"Hey where's my double shot americano?", a student asked as soon as Leo was at the counter with the order."Right here.", the green eyed man said setting the cup down gentle. The student scooped it up, not acknowledging Leo's presence, then weaved their way through the crowd.

Glossy black hair tied back in a short ponytail,dark green eyes that had mid length lashes, 5'5, skinny stature. He's not too feminine yet not too manly. Quite a few considered him a good looking man. Well he was.

Yet he sucks at talking to people casually. He forces himself to do it for money, yet socially it's like trying to swim in an ice rink. He didn't even know his sexuality. Leo can't even call himself bisexual because he's never had a serious crush of any sort.

A 20 year old man who takes online college courses due to social anxiety. Who would even consider him a dreamboat?

"Hey Lion, mind helping me with the box of cups? I can't carry all these.", Rei called out from the back. The black haired man glanced at his other co-worker who just told him to go ahead.

Here's a note, Rei is not said like 'Ray' it's said like 'Reh-e' that is by cultural preference."This isn't a lot of boxes, you sure you even need help?", he bent down to stack two boxes since they were pretty light.

Rei frowned then slapped his back."Too much social interaction and you'll break down, I know you.", she said, tucking blonde hair that escaped her ponytail behind her ear. Leo pursed his lips and returned to the counter area.

"Wow not even a 'thanks', well your welcome anyways.",she playfully bumped past him. Her chocolate brown eyes weren't off him till he turned toward her when she busied them by studying the bustle of college students. Leo took out a stack of cups and set them by the coffee machine.

"It seems busier than usual.", he mumbled uncomfortably. Rei was hurriedly restocking the pastries while nodding."Stressed students get sudden urges for coffee, just like you almost everyday.", she sighed nudging him. He scratched his neck with a slight smile."Coffee is my life blood.", he laughed quietly.

The day dragged on rather quickly, late night shifters filling in for Rei and Leo. The two changed out of their uniform into casual clothes. She was sure to barrage him and accusing him for peeking which she knew he'd never do, but it was fun to mess around with him. Leo knew this too and made sure to have his defenses ready.

"Nobody's gonna like the way you're so violent.", he mumbled. The blonde gasped in fake shock as they walked through the back."Oh sweet lord! I'm shaken, I must clean up my ways!", her hand slapped lightly against her forehead.

The green eyed man laughed lightly."Hey now I'm going to my bus stop.", Rei pat his back, waving off as she began stepping backwards to a bench where a long red public transit was in wait."I'll see you later.", he waved off then continued his way. Cloudy night. He got chills as a wind blew lightly across his face.

He gripped his brown coat and stuffed his hands deeper into the pockets."I wanna read.", Leo mumbled to himself. Oh but not just any book. Turn back to the beginning now, we are talking porn. How could such a sweet looking man enjoy such vulgar things? Don't know. He doesn't care. Only until too many people know. He's learned to resist referencing such dirty things in his non existent social life because he could never handle the embarrassment.

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