Temporary Blindness (Barry Allen)

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Y/N: Your Name

The cane clicked on the sidewalk, again and again, leading Barry to the Central City Police Department. Apparently, his eyes weren't healing correctly, so Caitlin is working with Jay on finding a cure. They have nothing and it's really getting on his nerves. Luckily, Cisco helped him pick out his outfit the night before; he can only imagine what he looks like right now.

"Barry!" He knows that voice; Y/N. He met her a few weeks before he lost his sight and, thank god, he got to see her. "Caitlin wants me to take you to S.T.A.R. Labs," you state, hooking your arm in his. "And, if you were going to the CCPD, it's the opposite way, cutie." you smile, brushing his messy hair back.

He was sure he was going the right way! A blush blossoms across his freckled cheeks and his converse pad next to your blue Nike's, cane clicking in front of him. "I knew that..." he lies, deflating a little, "Have they figured this-" he gestures to his face, "out yet?" he asks; you remain silent.

In fact, the two of you remain silent until you get to the Cortex. "Hey Barr- were you going to wear those to work?" Caitlin bites her lip, eyes shifting from his baggy navy blue S.T.A.R. Labs sweatshirt and grey sweatpants to you; you shrug helplessly while Barry sighs. "Anyway, um, Jay and I found a certain chemical that isn't in Central, but!" she raises her finger, "We think it might heal your blindness!" she says optimistically.

Barry cocks an eyebrow, stepping closer to her (he thinks; in reality, he's talking to the desk). "Where is it?" he asks in a boring tone. With his luck, the chemical will be on the other side of the country. He can't even speed there because, well, he can't see where he's going!

"Along the coast of Mexico. It should be at least a week, if not more." Jay sighs, sliding the tablet to you on the desk. The scarlet speedster resists the urge to whine like a baby. "Meaning," he continues, placing a hand on Barry's shoulder, leading him to the edge of the desk, hand on top of his. Barry sucks his lower lip in, letting his palm touch the metal bar. "You, are gonna stay right here and not cause trouble until we get back, okay, buddy?" Jay orders, patting his upper shoulder.

Barry puckers his lips, hearing footsteps fade away. Caitlin frowns, "Y/N will be here! So, she'll help take care of you. Right Y/N?" she asks, picking up her backpack. You nod, giving her a thumbs up. "She nodded, Barry." Caitlin confirms, "We'll be back as soon as humanly possible!" she promises, taking off to the airport, heels clicking on the floor while Jay follows after.

Twisting your airy blue shirt nervously, you come up to him. "So..." you mumble awkwardly, pulling your bottom lip in between your teeth. "Wanna...watch a movie?" you offer, shrugging your shoulders. "Wait...sorry. Um...we could...I could read you a book?"

With a long sigh, he waves his hand, "Sure." he agrees, pouting like a five-year-old. "Can you help me sit down then?" he mumbles, soon feeling your hand on his. His grey sweatpants hang low on his hips, swaying against his legs. "I'm trusting you to take care of me this week, Y/N."

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