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Jadyn's POV

I hate walking home from school. I live at least a mile away. Since my mom died though, I have no choice. There is no way I'd let my alcoholic father drive me anywhere. As I turn the corner into my neighborhood I see something, no, someone laying on my front lawn.

I jog up expecting it to be a homeless person that had wandered to the outskirts of Detroit and passed out on my lawn. Instead I find a boy who looks about my age. I reach down to shake him awake but I stop when I see his necklace. Pfft! Why does he have a pink flower necklace? That is so girly!

I extend my arm to pick up the piece of jewelry to get a closer look at it. The second my fingertip came in contact with the charm the world around me spun. The next thing I know I am falling from the sky.

At first I scream and shut my eyes but after a minute I open them realizing that the ground must be a long way down. I know my fate and decide to make the best of my last moments of life by enjoying the scenery as I fall to my death.

From a very awkward position I admire the fluffy clouds tinted pink and yellow from the setting sun. I don't know how this happened but I guess it doesn't matter since I'll be dead soon anyway. I look down and see only clouds. Judging by the distance I am from the clouds and how fast an object with my weight should normally fall I noticed that I was falling slower then I should. Maybe this is a dream. Maybe that kid had drugs on him and I'm already dead. Is this really what this afterlife is like?  I flailed my arms like a chicken as a thousand thoughts buzzed through my head.

Out of the corner of my eye I notice something blue. I turn my head to see the boy from earlier, still sleeping, falling through the air next to me. I watched as his brown hair whipped around his face. Boi thoes eyebrows are on fleek! His face is flawless!!! Omg my heart omg!!! Ok wait, I shouldn't be thinking about these things now.

I close my eyes as I pass through a cloud. This is the end for me, I can see the ground. I look over at the boy falling next to me. It's really depressing that he didn't get to have his last moments before death since he was asleep. I'm too young to die but what can I do about it???

As I near the ground I notice the shiny surface of water. That's it!!! We might have a chance of surviving if we land in the water!!! I try swimming through the air to reach the boy but I'm not moving at all. I then position myself as if I were diving into a pool and get close enough to grab his blue jacket. I use my feet to push him to where he would land in the water. I then go back into the diving position falling now, above the lake. I grab the boy again and shove his skinny legs up into his jacket so he is curled into a ball. I then curl myself into a ball so that I won't slap onto the water but I also won't torpedo to the bottom.

I take one more look at the world around me before holding my breath and closing my eyes. I silently prayed that my life wouldn't be over. I felt it for only a second. First pain, then the cold of the water, then, everything was black.

Jinyoung's POV

This side of the city is so sketchy. I have no idea why my step mom wanted to move here but my dad was like a puppet on her strings. He of course agreed to her suggestion. We live on the 3rd floor of a super fancy apartment complex. I don't want people to like me because I have money so I always go in the back alley and up the fire escape to reach home. It's more fun anyways.

I took my usual route. The allies are dangerous. I'm usually a pretty brave guy but when I'm back here, I jump at the rustle of a mouse or every time a feral cat run by. I turn the corner and just as I'm about to climb the garbage bin to reach the fire escape a pair of strong hands grasps my shoulders. The person whips me around and throws me into the wall. I slide to the ground groaning from the pain in my shoulder. The guy then throws a punch, one freaking punch!!! And I'm out. Wow I'm so pathetic. I shouldn't have turned down thoes ju jitsu classes my dad offered me.


I apologize for any spelling or grammar mistakes I made. I am also sorry for my bad writing skills. This is my first fanfic ever. I hope I did a good job. Also I won't be able to post like every day cuz school and track and soccer and figure skating and yeah I have a life(kpop is my life) INFIRES ARMY WILL RISE🔥🔥🔥😈😈😈🐓
(The chicken was not a mistake>:3)

Oh yeah, the picture at the top it the boy's necklace

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