『おやすみ!』| the types

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愛; ai ; Love;

Noun. A feeling of affection towards another.

"I-I... Love you.."


A person whom is mean and rude when you first encounter them, especially if they like you, but soon softens up when you get closer to them.


Someone who is sweet and caring towards you, but once they develop feelings towards you, they become dark and obsessed with you, making sure no one stands in their way of being yours.


A person who comes off as shy, anti-social, and a pushover. They normally don't talk to anyone, especially their crush. But, only to their crush, will they speak and show them affection to that one person, and no one else.


Someone who comes off as cold or uncaring to others, including yourself. They tend to be quiet and straight-faced, even if something happens, like their lover dying. But in actuality they do care, they just don't know how to show it, most of the time.


These females are people who are bossy and prideful towards you, making you treat them as though they are royalty, or a princess. This word derives off of 'Home' which is the Japanese word for Princess. Most of the time, Himederes are of a royal bloodline. They also can be mistaken for Tsunderes.


These characters believe they are God or a god. They are simply bored with the world they live in, so they decide to be in their own world or fix this world to satisfy their love of adventure. They will most likely have their lover join this world changer/development or may not even care about them. Depends.


A person who is happy and energetic towards everybody.  They are positive and are always on their feet even when a disaster strikes, and sometimes they can tend to be annoying.


An Undere is someone who agree with everything  you do or say. The reason for this is so you can trust and establish a good relationship with them. If you are dating an Undere, they prefer to take the relationship slow and savor every moment with you, rather than rush things.


They can be mistaken for Yanderes at times. They LOVE to torture their lover mentally, physically and emotionally. They toy with your emotions and are considered to be heartless. But that's how they show their love for you!


These people start off as the antoganist, but when they develop a crush for the protagonist or hero, they eventually join the good side. But they'll still threaten to kill you and destroy the world and continue to be jerks. So yeah good luck with that...

These are only the generic types. More will be added on later. Constant Update.

Update- 6/20/17


Like a Himedere, but for males. 'Oji' means 'Prince' in Japanese.


They love money/royal/monetary positions. Known as 'Gold Diggers' they would love you for your money, rather than you yourself.


A smug character who acts big and tough and is pretty much a gangster.

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