Chapter 25~ Beyond the Facade

Start from the beginning

"I don't want to embarass you in front of so many people so listen carefully." I told him as he leaned closer.

"You're a great guy. You're successful. You're a hot singer and guitar player but," I paused for a little while.

"I'm not the one for you. I'm pretty sure someday, you'll find your own princess. She'll be the luckiest girl in the world. I'm really sorry El." I told him as he broke the hug and smiled at me.

"It's fine. It will hurt, yes. but.. I can manage. I just hope I'll find her soon and you.." He paused once again pointing at the curly guy who tries his best to get out of this huge crowd.

"You go chase after your prince." He said and I wasn't getting him.

"don't be ridiculous Sam. I can see it in your eyes. You love that lad." He said again. Love? I'm in love?

"You mean Brad? That was BRAD?!" I shouted almost panicking. He saw that! HE'll misunderstand! Oh my gosh! 

"Who else could it be? Go! run after him! before you lose him, the way I lost you. Just remember this.." He said as he walked closer to me.

"I'll always be here if you lose him." He said. Very selfish Foxy.

"Don't worry. I won't" I said as I ran towards his direction. I didn't mind my baggage, I need to find Brad. I need to verify things. Do I really love him? Or is it something else? 

I DON'T KNOW ANYMORE! I just need to find him and talk to him.

I ran from corner to corner and founf nothing! Why does it have to be so crowded in this day?! why can't it be like yesterday or tomorrow! URGH!

"All passengers for United States of America you may now enter." The speaker said and fuck this! They'll be gone for good! What am I to do?!

"BRAAAAAAAAD!! BRAAAAADLEY!!! BRAAAAD!!" I started screaming his name. I was desperate. I need to see him. I need to talk to him!

"BR-" I was about to shout when all of a sudden, I bumped into a big guy who didn't even bother helping me.

I heard the plane departing and.. I was too late. I was fucking late!

I sat on the floor crying like a little girl who lost her mommy in the sea of people. I was depressed. Lonliness strucked me and realized that Elyar was telling the truth. I really loved him. I still love him. 

I was still crying and praying that the plane would come back when a pair of hands lifted me. I didn't look at that person, which I assumed to be the security guard.

"Sam? Are you okay?" I heard him say my name which made me stop from crying. It was Brad!

"Brad!" I said as I hugged him as tear fall from my eyes. I huuged him so tight and wished that we could be like this forever.

"Let's get you some fresh air. It's too crowded in here." He said as he lead me towards the parking area where we can be alone.

"What happened?" He asked me.

"You. You happened!" I raised my voice which made him a bit confused.

"I loved you Brad! I loved you but you fooled me! You fooled me for that bitch Jasmine." I said as he rolled his eyes.

"This? again?! You cried for this AGAIN?! I thought we're through with this? huh?" He said. He was beginning to lose his patience. Could you atleast listen to me!

"I loved you and you made me believe that you liked me back!" I shouted again.

"You know what? FINE! Hate me! I don't care anymore. I'm out of here." He said as he left me. FUCK!

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