Keke: Sit with you at lunch ?  

Trey: I think I just asked that lol . So are you ? 

Keke: I will, but I don't know about Ciara . 

Trey: Jacob already texted her . She said yes . 

Keke: K . See you at the lunch table .

(End Of Text)

I walked to Ciara and I usual lunch table. Ciara was already there waiting for me. "Jacob asked me if we wanted to sit with them at lunch today!" Ciara eagerly said as she ran up me.

 "Trey asked me too! Ah!" I replied.

 "Let's go sit with them." She said. We both walked over to their table. "Hey guys!" I said, happily.

 "Oh hey Kiara! We were waiting for you." Trey said, turning to us. "Yeah! Hey Ciara." Jacob welcomed Ciara.

 They both got up and gave us hugs. Trey smelled good. I usually don't see boys who smell as good as him.

"Hey Keke, hey Cece." Raquan said. "Hey K and C." Craig said.

 What's it with the nicknames? "Nicknames?" I asked. "I mean, we are friends now. We made nicknames for you both." Craig explained.

 This made me feel hella' special. We got our lunch and sat down.

 "Oh and thanks so much for waking me up, Ciara." I said, sarcastically. "I didn't wake you up." Ciara said, confused.

 "Yeah, that's the point. You should have woke me up, when you did."

 "You looked so peaceful when you were sleeping."

 This girl has gone crazy! The boys started laughing. "You both are funny." Jacob said laughing.

 "How old are you both?" Trey questioned us. "We are 18 was old. We are turning 19 in a few months. How about you guys?" I asked.

 "I'm 19."

 "I'm 19."

 "I'm 19."

 "I just turned 19 last week." Ray said. They were all older than us? Dang.

 Trey laughed. "We are older than you two."

 "Shut it." I said.

 "Ciara, do you guys have boyfriends?" Jacob asked us. "Umm...No. Why?" Ciara answered.

 "Just wanted to know."

 This reminded me of my ex-boyfriend back home, Daniel, who I broke up with.

 We broke up because her being a jerk, and he embarrassed me in front of the whole school, by kissing another girl in senior year, during our high school's superbowl. He was an idiot and it broke my heart.

 We have been going out ever since our freshman year, and trust me, if you have been dating a guy for that long, you don't want to see that happening.

 "I had a girlfriend, but she is back home. She doesn't go here." Raquan said.

 "I don't need a girlfriend. The girls come to me." Craig said, winking at us. He is such player. We all finished eating.

 "Look, we have to go. We will see you later." Trey said.

"Sure thing. And Jacob, I will text you." Ciara said. "Okay." Jacob replied back.

We all left the cafeteria to go back to our dorms. "I wonder if Jacob and Trey have girlfriends." Ciara stated.

 I shrugged my shoulders. "They probably don't." I said. I hardly see them with any girls over here. The announcements came on.

Announcements: Hello Justicelove College! This is the weekly announcements. We have quite a few announcements. First up, is that our second annual mathathon is coming up! We will be versing the Lovejustice College and I hope we win! This will be taking place in 2 months so you guys have time to prepare! Sign up at your math teachers class. The first 12 students join!

Announcements: Also, our our "Feel At Home" Week is going to also happen in 2 months. Your family is going to come here to our college to visit you! So take some time to prepare for your family!

Mathathon? I'm definitely joining! I can help us win. And bring your family here? I want to see my mom again. I'm the second child of the family. I have an older brother.

 My mom is a lady who has a job, but she also stays at home. My dad is a doctor, but he is hardly home.

 I can't wait to see my mom. Ever since we started college a few months ago, I couldn't wait to see them again.

 "I want to see my mama again. I also want to see my baby." Ciara said, clutching her hands to her chest.

 Oh yeah, Ciara has a baby back home. She had a boyfrriend, who left her after high school. WHen he found out the she was having his boyfriend, he just left her and never came back. It was also sad.

 "I want to see my family. You want to join the mathathon?"

 "Nah. I would rather watch." Ciara said while laying back on the couch.

 "Well, I'm joining. I'm going to see my math teacher right now. Then I'm going for a walk." I said, putting some books down.


 I grabbed my phone, my water bottle and my iPod. I walked out the dorm. Right as I walked out, I bumped into Trey.

 "Oops. Sorry, I didn't mean-" I said apologizing to Trey. "It's okay. It's my fault for not looking." Trey said.


 "Where are you going?" Trey asked me. I told him where my destination was to. "My math classroom. I want to join the mathathon."

"Me too. It's first come first served." Trey told me.

 "Yeah. I will beat you there." I said, starting a competition with Trey.

 I ran to my math class. My teacher was still there. Only a few other kids were there. I guess they are joining too. A few seconds later, Trey came.

 "Your a fast runner." Trey said in defeat. "I used to take track in high school. That's how I keep my awesome body." I said, showing off.

 "You kept it quite well." Trey mumbled under his breath. I acted as if I didn't hear what he said.

 "Shall we go in?" I asked him holding my head high.

 "Yes, we shall." We enter the math room hand in hand.

 "Now this is a good match! Two of my best math students are signing up for the mathathon! I believe we can win." The math teacher yelled.

 Best math students?

 "I bet you didn't know I was a genius at math." Trey told me. "Honestly, didn't know that," I said, shaking my head. "But your also talking to a math genius too." I said.

 We both signed up. I couldn't wait for the mathathon. We left the math class.

 "I'm going to go for a walk, so you can go." I told Trey.

 "Can I walk with you? You know, look around the building?" Trey asked me. "Yeah, you can." I said allowing him to tag along with me.

 I hope we become great friends.


Finished this chapter! I have a feeling the mathathon and the family vacation has A LOT to do with this story . ;)

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3+ votes and 3+ comments for the next chapter ! Happy Easter ! 🐰

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