Settled In and Settling Down

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"Wait, you're telling me you haven't got a boyfriend?" Ivey said while munching on her chicken salad.

"Why is that a surprise?" I asked while raising one eyebrow.

Ivey and I had continued to chat casually while on our lunch break. This past week, Ivey and I had started a tradition of going to lunch together. It takes a quick 5 minute stroll to reach a little restaurant not too far from the White House.

"Nothing. I mean you're a pretty girl, you're young, what's not to like?" She said. She put her fork down and took a sip from her glass of water.

"I just feel like, I attract the wrong kind of men." I sighed and set my fork down. I looked towards the brunette and I saw her eyebrows raised, urging me to continue.

"Honestly, I just want a man. A real man. Someone who's kind, someone who's got a good heart, someone who's genuine." I started fiddling with my salad as I continued to ramble on.

"I feel like nowadays, they're a rare breed and I feel like they're at the brink of extinction." I exclaimed.

"Oh stop with the pessimism, he's out there, Care!" She said while waving her hands around. I giggled at her boisterous personality.

"No but seriously. He is out there. You've just got to wait it out." She said while smiling to herself coyly. I narrowed my eyes and eyed her curiously.

"I have a feeling we're not talking about me anymore. Who's the guy?" I asked while smiling.

"No one." She was quick to reply, although the flush of her cheeks told a different story.

"Oh cut the crap, Ivey." I said while staring her down playfully.

"Fine. It's just a guy who I've known for a while now. It's nothing serious..." She hesitantly explained.

"Yet." I winked towards her as she threw her napkin towards me.

"You can't wink at me Underwood, when you're the one who has the hots for President Fisher" She winked back teasingly.

"I do not!" I whisper-shouted. I almost choked on my salad at Ivey's latest remark.

"Nothing to be ashamed of, we've all been there, Care!" She placed her hand on top of mine and sarcastically taunted me.

"Whatever, let's go before we're late." I threw her napkin back at her before putting some money down to pay. We both grabbed our bags and walked out of the DC restaurant.

We strolled down our usual path, with the Washington monument in the background. We walked in a comfortable silence just enjoying the beauty of DC.

I looked around and saw how different it was to the small town feel of Oklahoma. Everything felt larger. I mean this is the nation's capital and all, this is the centre point of the western world. Nothing about DC has a hometown feel.

We arrived back at our desks in plenty of time before our lunch break ended. As we sat down at our desks, the familiar clicking of shoes came down the hallway.

The two secret service men arrived and following behind was the president. Ivey and I both stood up and smiled at the President.

"Ivey. Carrie." He nodded towards both of us and smiled. Ivey and I sat down and got back to work.

In my peripheral vision, I saw him salute to the marine but then walk back around to me.

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