The End

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Running her fingers over the case, Lana tried to hide away the dangling trail of a scarf or perhaps robe's edge sneaking out through the crack. Somehow a life of living inside a tower never really taught her how to pack, and once she was free and on her own she never bothered to learn. Conversely, her husband was eerily skilled in the art of folding. The man could get a tunic into a rectangle so flat one could stack them thirty high and balance an egg upon the pile. She'd once seen him fold a fitted sheet, a feat even magic couldn't touch.

With the snows melting to slush thanks to the rising sun, and all four having spent a few days resting up and healing, it was finally time to part ways. It'd been surprisingly fun. While Alistair and Cullen bickered over the proper way to seal up the hole, Lana and Reiss traded favorite books. Either Ali suggested that was Reiss' best chance at getting her to open up, or the woman figured it out herself. Lana bogged her down with some of her most beloved tales as well as a few of the more dry tomes that could assist her work. And Reiss told her about the mood of the streets, not just in Denerim but Val Royeaux and some of Kirkwall. Somehow all Lana ever heard was the typical tourist's version the higher ups didn't want to talk about but that sharp mind and blending in ear let Reiss overhear and notice far greater.

Surprisingly, Cullen and Ali were putting up well with each other. They'd even on occasion assist one another in preparing a fire, or laying out a table without breaking into a sneering match. It was a true miracle of the Maker. But, as the saying went, all good things had to come to an end. Lana and Cullen had an abbey no doubt approaching near panic levels after they'd been gone so long. And Reiss and Alistair had to be getting back to their lives, as well as deciding how much of a change their vows would make.

Giving up on the case, Lana turned to the other woman stacking their luggage up for Alistair's return. "How does it feel?" she asked, her fingers curling around the makeshift cane. Perhaps it should worry her how within twelve hours of losing her old one, Cullen managed to strip the bark off a downed branch and sand off the knobby bits to make her a fresh cane. That man never did anything by half measures.

Reiss ran a finger over the brim of her hat, then glanced over. "Like Alistair is trying to steal every lantern and towel in the place not nailed down."

Chuckling at the joke, Lana limped nearer to spot a tell tale bulge in the luggage. "I was referring to your being married. Though, his magpie tendencies aren't such a surprise. He once snuck a small golden statue out of an old ruin and carried it for three days in his armor."

"Oh," her cheeks lit up and she glanced down at her toes, "it feels...kinda samey but not? Maker's breath that sounds idiotic. I..."

Reaching over, Lana patted her arm, "It's not idiotic at all. There are moments when I don't even notice or think a thing of it. Marriage. It's merely a few shared words. And then I'll stare over at this man, this entire other person and realize he's not a stranger, he's not this unknowable force outside of me. He's a part of my soul now. How in Andraste's name did that happen?"

"Yes," a sweet smile curled up her lips and she bounced back on her heels, "that sort of describes it. I'd add a bit of 'what happens next?' in there too."

"Sadly, I cannot offer much advice there." Lana sucked in a breath, "Five years on and I'm still trying to figure it out myself."

Another one of her daisy bright smiles burst reminding Lana of just why she snagged Ali's eye. He always was a sucker for a good grin. Reiss nodded her head, that famous hat bobbing like the sea, before her face froze. Reaching into a pocket, she said, "I probably should have given you this earlier, but everything got complicated."

Lana tipped her head in confusion, but extended her hand. Into it Reiss dropped a chunk of metal baring an ancient stamp molded into the soft form from the days of the first Blight. "Sweet Maker!" Lana gasped at the relic that'd been hidden inside her box, the one she was certain darkspawn took off with, "how did you get this?"

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