she wears red like the devil

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Astoria Greengrass's best friend, Casey McNeers, finds her sprawled on her back in the middle of Casey's bedroom, blowing out smoke in the air while Casey's grey cat curled up on Astoria's stomach with her eyes narrowed to slits to avoid the smoke. 

"How did you get in?" Casey laughs when she marches in with two paper bags full of Firewhiskey. 

"Window was open," Astoria replies lazily, tilting her head up to regard Casey. Casey is a muggle born Hufflepuff. Despite being in separate houses, they were once paired together for a Charms project in the third year and realise their penchant for destroying themselves, fucking hot people and alcohol so they became fast friends. Casey was the one who introduced her to some muggle drugs and alcohol- which are all excellent in their own way. Her favourite muggle drug happens to be ecstasy. 

"Where did you end up last night?" Casey wonders as she flops down to sit cross-legged near Astoria's indolent body, accepting to take a drag when her friends offer it up. Casey is blonde and beautiful. You look at her and you think girl next door. Then you notice her red lips, her septum piercing and her cigarettes. Maybe not. 

"Ended up at Zabini's place so somewhere muggle. Probably Kensington," Astoria says thoughtfully as she pushes her dark fringe out of her eyes, her red nail varnish chipped on her fingers. 

"Ooh, Zabini?" Casey grins as she swivel to lie down alongside Astoria, head by feet, putting out a hand to stroke her cat. "The hot Italian? Your sister's friend?"

Astoria laughs loudly, and it's a wonderful sound. Regardless of the drugs she abused and all the cigarettes she smoked and all the alcohol she drank, her throat is still clear and her voice is still melodic. "Despite what you think, she isn't fucking him."

"What about Malfoy?" Casey wonders as she grabs at Astoria's small purse and rummages through to dig out her cigarettes and her lighter. "You think your sister is doing him?"

"Nah, despite what people may think my sister's sort of a prude." Astoria watches as Casey places the cigarette between Casey's bee-stung lips and light up. "Which is more than I can say for you. By the way, should you be smoking since you're pregnant?"

"Eh," Casey says half-heartedly, "Does it matter? I'm thinking about aborting it. I don't know."

Astoria considers making a joke about how Hufflepuff stereotypes are all about being kind and preserving the sanctity of life and coming off all preacher-ish but she frankly doesn't have the energy to wind Casey up. Besides, people like Casey isn't easy to wind up so there's not much point to it. 

"You sure?" Astoria mumbles quietly. "It's kind of a big deal."

"Why should it be?" Casey's eyebrows raise and prop herself up on one elbow to find her best friend staring up at the ceiling as she gently rubs Casey's cat ears. Sometimes, there are moments where Casey feels like she doesn't understand Astoria. Even though they've been best friends since they were thirteen, Casey feels as if she doesn't know her at all. She knows her better than anyone else, of course. She knows what triggers certain moods and what causes those slow, wicked, foreboding smiles- but sometimes she looks at Astoria, really look at her, those cherry lips and those glinting eyes, and it's like she's staring at a total stranger.

"You're right, it's not a big deal." Astoria waves it away. "Break out the firewhiskey, ay? I think I need to be a little drunk."

"After last night?" Casey smirks but she rolls off and stands up to retrieve the brown bags of fire whisky she bought from the corrupt owner of Sal's Wizard Liquor. Her delicate hands close on the corked close bottle and pop it open. Casey drinks deeply and let the whisky slowly pour down her throat, obliterating everything in her path as it burns. She hands it to Astoria, who now sits up to take a sip of the whisky. They had nothing to chase it with but that doesn't matter as both of them could withstand the taste of straight liquor. 

"You sound like Zabini," Astoria jokes as she grabs the bottle from Casey and throws back the whisky like it's nothing, wincing as it hits a spot. "God, he was so preachy when I woke up in front of his place this morning, 'People love you' and all, fucking bullshit."

"But he's hot though," Casey pouts. "Like fuck, I'd be bouncing all night on that if I could."

"Eww," Astoria wrinkles her nose but she laughs regardless, feeling slightly more weightless with the whisky being the reason why. "I've known him since I was eight! That'd be weird."

Casey moves her hair to the side, exposing her neck and Astoria could see a deep dark bruise- a hickey. Hmm, wondering who she was with? Astoria wonders. "Yeah but still, I'd fuck him if I could. Wouldn't you?"

Astoria pulls off a thoughtful look. "Hmm, well, maybe. I don't know. I guess it wouldn't be terrible. It'll piss off Daphne, though. Like majorly piss off Daph." 

"So do it," Casey has a wicked little look on. For someone as innocent as a Hufflepuff, Casey can be as quick as a devil, especially when she tilts the bottle of whisky and rain the content of it down her throat. "I dare you."

Astoria, ever quick to rise up to the challenge, shares Casey's mischievous expression. In the darkened glow of Casey's bedroom, Astoria looks on with fire in her dark eyes. "Fine. Consider your dare accepted." 


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