Younger Siblings & First Crushes

Start from the beginning

"Just reading," Emma replied.

I looked up from the magazine I was reading to watch their conversation continue. "Can I offer you some water?" Elliot asked practically shoving the glass in Emma's face, of course she moved back, getting nervous.

"No thanks."

"I'm happy to share."

"I'm not thirsty."

Then I noticed Elliot's demeanor change, "In fact, I share everything with you because you're my sister, and all I get in return is secrets and lies."

I put the magazine down to stand up, "Elliot, what do you mean?" 

I readied myself to jump in and save Emma at any moment. As Elliot answered, turning to me, "Did you know that Emma's a mermaid?"

My eyes widened as I turned back to Emma as she asked, "Why would you think that I was a mermaid?"

Elliot then spilled his guts about Kimmi showing him a diary written by Cleo about her, Emma, and Rikki, I having mermaid powers. Once he was finished explaining, I managed to steal the glass from him and dump it in the sink before Emma and I ran out the door and straight to Cleo's.

"Are you crazy! You wrote a diary?" 

Emma accused, circling the brunette like a hawk as she answered, "Only a little one."

I decided to fold my arms and say, "With every little detail about our mermaidness?"

Cleo got up and defended, "I'd never let anyone see it." She opened one of her drawers before turning back to us, "It's gone."

I threw my hands up in the air in disappointment, "Of course, a diary that could give someone the tools to expose us is missing. I need a juice."

Emma and I left Cleo's house only to have her and Rikki show up a little later and Cleo said, "Found the diary, it was under Kim's pillow."

We noticed Kim walk in and sit next to Elliot. We conversed with Lewis coming up with a plan to make it seem like Miriam was the mermaid instead of us. 

We started following Miriam around and used our powers to make Miriam seem like the leader. I caused a whirlpool to form in the water near her and Rikki caused the water to boil after she walked over it.

Emma, Rikki and I were sitting in the audience watching the Miss SeaQueen pageant at the Marine Park, when all of a sudden water came over the wall and onto the stage. I went to jump up to try and save Cleo, when Rikki gripped my arm whispering, "Chill out, Cleo's using her powers to move the water around her so the it doesn't hit her. We're fine."

I couldn't help, but snicker under my breath as Kimmi came out and made a complete fool of herself, while Rikki said, putting her feet up, "Finally, something interesting."

I chuckled, "Yep, I agree. You know we should all go for a celebratory swim after this at the Moon Pool. Who's in?"

Emma touched my shoulder, "That sound like a great idea, I'll text Lewis and Rikki can tell Cleo."

At the Moon Pool, Lewis was sitting in a inner tube while the four of us were floating near the wall as he gave us his finding about the samples we took the other day. "Story is, I've tested everything; the water, the rocks, the soil, the lichen, even the dust."

"And what did yo find?" I asked

Lewi took a sip out of the coconut he had in his hand, "Nothing, everything's normal?"

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