Chapter 1 - The Human Familiar

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"What do you think the Useless will summon?"

"Her, summon anything? Don't make me laugh!"

"She''ll just freeze up and mutter some half-assed spell like that one time in class."

"Or, maybe she'll summon some gross blob from the ocean. Hahaha!"

(Name) pouted angrily as she listened to everyone's insults. She took a deep breath and whispered to herself, "Shinrai. He will make me useful; I know it." Just as she said that, the rest of the second-years and the overseer for the summonings, Mr. Colbert, stepped into the large courtyard.

"Ok, students, gather around. This is the sacred day where you will finally meet your familiar, whom you will spend the rest of your lives as noblemen with. Now, who will be the first to perform their summoning spell?"

Many students voluntered, all eager to have their eternal companions. As the day drew on, many students made their summons and received outstanding familiars. There were various animals and creatures littered around the courtyard, ranging from domestic pets to things of legend.

Kirche had finished summoning her familiar, a large red salamander she named Flame. She knelt down beside it and gently petted it head. "What a wonderful creaure you are, Flame." She grinned as she looked around at the other students. "Now, then, isn't it (Name)'s turn?"

(Name) flinched and attempted to hide behind one of the other students. However, Mr. Colbert saw her and pointed his staff at her. "Miss (Last Name), come out here at once and summon your familiar. It's getting quite late in the day, and no one is allowed to dismiss until all of the familiars are summoned."

She bit her lip nervously and stepped into the clear space in front of everyone. She cleared her throat and lifted her finger, preparing to perform the summoning spell.

"Miss (Last Name)?"

"Y-yes, Mr. Colbert?" (Name) answered in surprise.

Mr. Colbert glanced at her hands questioningly. "Where is your wand?"

"O-oh... I don't... I don't use a wand, Mr. Colbert."

"You don't? Do you use some sort of staff?" When the young mage shook her head, Mr. Colbert made a face of confusion. "How do you perform magic with no item to focus the magic toward? Even Mr. Grammont uses a rose to perform magic spells."

(Name) nervously twindled her thumbs. "I-I haven't needed an item to perform magic, sir."

"That's because she hasn't performed magic since she got here!" Montmorency said, smirking as those around her began to laugh at (Name)'s expense.

Mr. Colbert tapped the bottom of his staff against the ground gently as he silenced the students. "That's enough, everyone. Miss (Last Name), I suggest that you get an item to improve your magical success. Now, without any further interuptions, please summon your familiar."

With a nod, (Name) began her spell. She raised her pointer finger in the air and said in a clear loud voice, "My familiar, my protector and partner for all eternity, hear me when I call!"

"Mommy, look at the pretty ice I made you!"

(Name) blinked and quickly regained her bearings. "I summon you to my side!"

"Be quiet! Do you want for your mother to be taken away?! Do you not love your mother?! Shut your mouth!"

"C-come before me, my familiar!" She bit her lip and took a deep breath. 'Not now... Please not now!'

"No one cares about your stupid baby magic!"

(Name)'s hand twitched as she felt the magic flow through her. She closed her eyes and flung her arm straight toward the sky, a large bolt of lightening traveling out of her finger tip. Everyone gasped and backed away in shock. The lightening traveled far up into the sky before the heat on (Name)'s finger became too much to handle.

"Owch!" She accidentally flicked her hand down, trying to cool it off, and ended up redirecting the lightening bolt. It struck the ground and created a large explosion, dark clouds puffing up and covering everyone in the courtyard.

As the smoke slowly began to clear up, (Name) opened her eyes to see what she had summoned as her familiar. She gasped and stared hard at the human boy laying on the ground in front of her. 'Oh, no... No, no no! He is supposed to be my Shinrai?'

"Look at that! (Name) the Useless summoned a peasant boy!" Kirche pointed out.

The boy that had been summoned began to stir awake a bit. (Name) pouted before she knelt down beside him and helped him sit up. "What is your name?"

The boy titled his head. "I... I don't understand. What's going on?" He looked around at the strange people surrounding him before he looked at the girl holding his hand and shoulder. The first thing he saw was her intense (Eye Color) eyes, staring at him with concern and curiousity. "W-who are you? What's going on here?"

"I can't understand a word he's saying." (Name) mumbled sadly. She looked up at Mr. Colbert before standing. "Mr. Colbert, how can this be? How can I have summoned a human boy as my familiar? C-can I try it again?"

"I'm afraid not, Miss (Last Name). Even under these strange circumstances, you performed the summoning spell and this is what appeared. Accident or not, this is your familiar and you are his master."

(Name) pointed down at the confused boy and tried to reason with her spell overseer. "This is a human boy! He must have a family that is missing him right now! I can't, in all consciousness, keep him here against his will and force him to loyally protect and serve me!"

Mr. Colbert nodded his head sympathetically. "I understand that, Miss (Last Name), but there is no other way. The spell performed is sacred, and there are no do-overs allowed. Miss (Last Name), please continue with the ritual."

"But, Mr. Colbert--"

"Now, please. Finish the ritual and bind the contract, or I will be forced to expel you from this institute."

(Name) frowned while glancing at the black-haired human beside her. "How embarrassing for you, (Name)." Guiche suddenly appeared behind her and wrapped his arm around her shoulders. "To have to bestow a kiss upon this lowly peasant... And, based on his language, he won't even appreciate it. How very saddening."

"G-Guiche, it's only to complete the bond between the familiar and their master. It isn't a romantic kiss..." She trailed off, blushing a soft pink as she looked down at her human familiar again.

The boy raised his eyebrow in confusion as he saw the strange, but cute girl blush at him. He assumed that she was onl blushing because her boyfriend was hugging her in public. However, his assumptions were corrected when the girl knelt down, held his face while saying some words that he still didn't understand, and kissed him for a few seconds.

Once she pulled away, (Name) stood back up and held her hand out for her familiar to stand up as well. She was glad when he at least understood her hand gesture and reached for her hand. However, before he could take her hand, he began screaming in pain. She gasped and yanked her hand away in fear. "M-Mr. Colbert, what's happening to him?"

"The rune of the familiar is being burned onto him." He explained, stepping next to her and placing a comforting hand on her shoulder. "His pain will pass soon enough."

The black-haired male continued to scream before it slowly died down. He looked down at his hand and saw a strange symbol burned into his skin. Before he could question what had happened to him, his vision began to fade to black as he passed out.

(Name) squeaked in surprise before she rushed to catch him. She was able to prevent his head from plopping roughly onto the ground by resting it in her lap. She looked up at her overseer and asked, "Please, help me, Mr. Colbert! What do I do? Sh-should I take him to the infirmary or just let him rest? No, I'll-I'll take him there anyway! Someone, help me carry him there, please!"

Guiche gracefully lifted his rose, making the peasant boy rise into the air. The nobleman stepped next to the noble lady and smiled charmingly. "Lead the way, my dear."

"T-thank you, Guiche!" (Name) said in gratitude. As she and Guiche left to take her familiar to the infirmary, Montmorency glared after them angrily. She ground her teeth together in jealousy before her familiar, a frog named Robin, hopped upward in her hand and licked her face. She squealed in disgust at the slimy texture of Robin's tongue and nearly fell over as she freaked out.

The Familiar of Useless (Saito x Reader)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin