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[Maddie POV]

I groaned as we Cleo and I finally stopped moving and we heard the concerned voices of Emma and Rikki. I called up, "We're ok, Cleo's a little hurt though!" I looked at the brunette next to me, "I'm so sorry for dragging you down with me Cleo."

"It's fine, I'm going to be ok."

Sooner rather than later Emma and Rikki came down into the cave to join us. We decided to follow the path and the cave soon opened up into a cavern with a small pool and Rikki commented, "Wow, this is like the cone of a volcano."

I looked up and took in the sights around me as Cleo asked nervously, "It's a- it's not going to erupt is it?"

I chuckled, "Don't worry too much Cleo, it's been dormant for over two thousand years. I think we're safe."

Emma turned to me, "How did you know that?"

I shrugged, "Well when you are allergic to your own sweat and can't exercise, you make up the time by reading even when the content is not particularly interesting."

"Then how are you able to remember it?" Rikki asked

I smirked, lifting up my chin, "Eidetic memory."

"Which means?"

Emma answered, "She's got a photographic memory, meaning she can recall images and other things with precise detail." We walked around the pool and Emma got down on her knees, "Look tidal rings, the level of the pool rises and falls."

"So?" Rikki asked

I answered for Emma this time, "If the water rises and falls that means it's connected to the ocean somehow and there might be a way out."

"That's right," Emma said, proudly, taking off her shoes and then diving gracefully into the pool and disappeared.

We waited and while Cleo and Rikki sat down at the edge I paced the room, until Rikki finally asked, "Alright, Madds, what's wrong?"

"Even if Emma does come back saying that there is a way out, I'll have to get back in the water again. I'm just mentally preparing myself for the pain."

Emma got back smiling, "I was right! It's about a twenty second swim to the reef outside; straight through, plenty of room, we could all fit."

I kneeled down next to the pool, taking deep breaths all the while Cleo said, "Through there? No way."

Rikki tried to be comforting, while taking off her shoes and socks, "Come on Cleo, there's no other way out. You can do it."

Cleo's answer scared me more than getting in the water, "I can't do it, and besides I can't swim."

After a bit of prodding I was in the water with Emma once again taking my hand and promising to help guide me out. With a lot of convincing we finally got Cleo in the water as well, taking Rikki's hand.

Suddenly the water began to bubble and glow around us. I looked up at the full moon, completely mesmerized by what was happening. Emma knocked me out of it by squeezing my hand and said, "Take a deep breath."

I nodded, doing as she instructed and we swam out first, knowing Rikki would follow, dragging Cleo with her whether she wanted to or not.

As soon as we got to the surface Cleo whinged, "That was more than twenty seconds."

"Oh relax, we made it didn't we?" Rikki demanded

"I'm proud of you Cleo I knew you could do it," Emma praised.

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