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Dearest boy in heaven,

The date? I sucked.

Max took me to the fair. The one where we used to go.

I see pieces of you everywhere.

We sat in the bench where we used to sit.

We ate in resto where we used to eat.

He bought me the cotton candy you used to give me.

We walked by the stalls where we-

"Hey are you okay?" he asked cutting out my thoughts. I just nodded and I haven't talked at all. Maybe it's unfair to him, yes it is, but I just couldn't bring myself to talk.

The words that shouldn't be said might escape the embrace of my lips.

Now he's taking me to a roller coaster. "Fun ride, isn't it? Try to smile and enjoy. You deserve it." he said and I tried my best to. Just to repay his kindness.

But I couldn't repay his love.

I took a deep breath and tried to be happy. I thought of you and I was happy. As the ride twists and turns, we were both screaming with joy. When the ride ended, I felt like the happiness was taken away from me again.

"C'mon Jasper!" I held his hand and pulled him to the ticket booth. "Let's do it again!" I said with a hint of excitement.

He slowly took his hand away from mine and gave me a very sad smile.

"I'm not Jasper."

I'm not supposed to publish this part today but I was surprised to see the 1k votes *drowns in my own tears of joy*

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