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*The above image is a woman playing  a barbitos, Alisander's favorite instrument*

Alisander sat on the steps of the town hall dimarcheio (town hall) playing his barbitos (a stringed instrument similar to a medieval lyre). As it was early morning the sun had yet to begin baking the earth and the cool air was a welcome reprive. It was early July which was one of the hottest times of year. He already had an audience of small children and a handful of adults who were intently listening to his playing. He strummed a slow melody that emulated the waves of the ocean that lapped the beaches, which dotted the island. As he finished the piece, the crowd erupted into applause, so he stood and bowed. Gold drachma coins were tossed into a tin that sat at his feet and Alisander nodded, thanking each of his patrons.

Than he moved onto a more cheery melody, his fingers flying over the strings, so fast it was if he wasn't touching them at all. His foot unconsciously started tapping on the worn stone of the steps, his head following. The crowd clapped along to the song and he decided to stand up walking back and forth as he played. His fingers began to ache after he finished the second piece and he sighed internally as he set his instrument down and bowed again to his audience, who received him with an even more rapturous round of applause.

Alisander continued playing for a time, gradually losing himself as his fingers moved of their own accord. Alisander had been a minstrel since he was 11 years old and he cherished these moments when he could make people smile and laugh with his music. He had been raised by his Aunt Gennadiya and Uncle Hyperion, along with his five cousins; the oldest Andreia, the second eldest Leander, Jyri and then the twins Catriona and Filomena. He couldn't recall very much about his parents since they had died when he was young and he didn't have any brothers or sisters. But he was inseperable from his cousins, they'd sort've created this close- knit group of friends that were always together and his aunt and uncle had always treated him as if he were their own son. Despite this Alisander couldn't help occasionally feeling like an outsider, he was the only one who wasn't a part of the immediate family. However he usually kept this sentiment to himself.

When he finished, the crowd rewarded him with another round of applause, some of the children even jumping up and down with excitement. He laughed at the sight and waved to them. Colorful flowers were thrown at his feet, as he bent to collect he noticed some milkworts and daisies amongst them. The sun had risen considerably in the sky and he knew it was getting closer to lunch so he needed to head home to help with chores. His uncle Hyperion was a merchant who specialized in musical merchandise, everything from instruments, written music and epic poetry and plays, written on stone and clay tablets. His job requires the family to travel a lot but they spend a substantial amount of time in Ithaca where his uncle's base of operation was located. The family did most of their travelling in the fall and spring when the weather was cooler, making travel more manageable.

As Alisander walked through the streets he observed his surroundings, the sun was now only an hour or two away from it's position at high noon. People were hurrying along attending to their daily business and Alisander had to swerve out of their way almost dropping his barbitos  on a few occasions. Ithaca was a flourishing island community at the time; with plenty of sandy beaches, lush forests and mountains.

Alisander's home was on the western side of the isthmus of Aetos (a small strip of land that connected the two halves of the island and overlooked the Bay of Molos, this is also where the harbour of Vathy is located). Additionally the largest market was on the western side of the island. Alisander's home was just a few blocks from the plateía tis polis (town square), his uncle was one of the most successful merchants on Ithaca and so the family lived close by, all of the most successful shops were on the plateia tis polis. On that particular day he had chosen to cross the isthmus so he could play at the dimarcheio on the other side of the island. Alisander went there early in the morning because he had to help his uncle with chores and he wanted to get some playing in and he knew if he didn't go early than he wouldn't have another chance that day to do it.  On the bright side as it was still early in the day it had yet to get as hot as most summer days in Ithaca were and it only took a little over half an hour to walk across the landbridge. Alisander enjoyed the cool breeze that blew across from the ocean and carried with it briny salt air which mixed with the scent of the fresh grass and wildflowers scattered all over the island.


Just after noon Alisander arrived at his uncle's shop, sweat trickling down the back of his neck and soaking into his chiton (tunic or robe). Before he could walk in the door he was tackled by his giggling cousins Catriona and Filomena. He stumbled backwards, catching himself before he fell to the ground. Then he laughed, tightening his embrace around his two cousins, Catriona and Filomena were twin sisters and were the youngest of his five cousins at only 15 years of age. Catriona took after her mother with unruly black curls, sparkling green eyes and a diminutive figure; while Filomena was the spitting image of her father with tawny brown waves, dark brown eyes and a plumper figure than her sister. "Papa is in the back. You better come quickly Alisander, I think father needs your help" Catriona said gripping his arm and pulling him towards the backroom that doubled as his uncle's office.

"I so wish we could hear you play more Alisander, I know you are a wonderful musician" Filomena said trailing after Alisander and her sister. "I know you do, perhaps I could play for you and the rest of the family after the work is all finished today", Alisander said endeared by his cousin's slightly pouting expression. Though they were twins, Filomena and Catriona couldn't be more different. Catriona was pragmatic and industrious while Filomena was more easy-going and couldn't sit still for two long.

After a short walk down the hall Alisander and his cousins came to the door of the backroom. The doorway was arched with no door, instead there hung a sheer blue curtain with adorned with gold and silver beads. Pushing it open he stepped aside to let his cousins in first before going in himself. His uncle was sitting at a large wooden desk cluttered with all manner of things; broken instruments, stacks of clay tablets and styluses. He was noticeably frazzled, sweat beading his brow and the corners of his mouth turned down in a frown. "Uncle I have returned how may I be of assistance?" Alisander said, stepping up to his uncles desk, handing his barbitos to Catriona who put it in it's place on one of the shelves next to the desk.

Hyperion looked up and his expression relaxed, "Ahh Alisander my boy. Just the one I wanted to see. We're just received a shipment of new goods, mostly instruments but there is a problem some of the instruments we were supposed to receive, stringed instruments like your barbitos are missing" he said his expression falling back into a frown. "Anyhow, I'll need your help with cleaning the instruments we have received and setting them out in the store for display. I've already written back to the supplier telling him about the missing instruments. So we'll have to wait a few days to find out what happened to the displaced goods. In the meantime we have the rest of the shop to manage, so we better get started on what we do have!" Hyperion said standing up with an affirmative nod and determined look on his face. Alisander nodded and moved to the stack of crates on the other side of the room. Cracking one open he brushed aside the packing straw revealing a set of six aulos (flute-like instruments), the slender wooden instruments were polished to a sheen, Alisander picked one up and admired it running his fingers along the smooth wood. Oh how he loved everything about music.

Reluctancy (Book  #1 of the Ancient World series)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora