Chapter 1: Quidditch World Cup

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"Well keep up now. Hurry up!" Arthur Weasley urges us as we trek through the forest.

"Where are we even going?" Fred groans. It feels like we've been hiking for hours. I glance at Harry who just shrugs and continues to follow Ron. Hermione hands me a water bottle.


"Ah! Amos!" Mr. Weasley greets a man who seems to be waiting for us.


The two men shake hands before a boy jumps down from the tree above. Hermione, Ginny, and I halt in our steps as his father introduces him as Cedric Diggory.

"I know him," Ron says, "he's Hufflepuff's Quidditch captain and a Prefect."

"He's cute," I comment and Hermione giggles.

We continue to follow Arthur and Amos to a portkey. They won't tell us where it'll take us so we blindly follow their lead, seeing that we don't really have a choice.

When we let go of the portkey and land on what seems like a camp ground, we're startled. There are people everywhere. People are celebrating and wearing uniforms and waving their country's flags.

"No way!" Ron exclaims, wide eyed. He's figured out where we are.

Arthur, Amos, and Cedric come down gracefully before Arthur grins at us, "Kids, welcome to the Quidditch World Tournament!"

Oh my god!

The guys start hollering and I'm so grateful to Arthur for making this happen for all of us. No one knew anything about this amazing surprise. Once we settle down, we set up camp before heading out to the stadium to find some good spots.


I glance up and see Cedric holding a mug out to me. I smile and take it, "Frozen, just the way I like it."

He smiles back, his hair dripping into his eyes from the pouring rain. He gestures to my umbrella and I let out a laugh, "Of course, get under!"

"Thanks, thought you'd never ask," he chuckles as we huddle under my umbrella.

"Thanks for the butterbeer," I tell him, raising my mug.

He clings it with his own mug, "Cheers."


"Man, this is going to be a great match!" Cedric exclaims over all the chaos.

"Stay dry up there!" someone from underneath taunts and we glance down to see Draco and his father. He smirks at the Weasleys, "Father got us box seats, you see, courtesy of the Minister of Magic!"

Then Draco walks into his father's walking staff that Lucius held out intentionally before he scolds his son, "Don't gloat, Draco," then he continues on to saying something else that I can't hear due to some fans cheering.

When I glance down again, I see Draco glaring in Cedric's direction before looking at me unpleasantly. Then he continues to follow his father.

"What was that about?" Cedric asks, innocently, unaware of Draco and my personal rivalry.

I shrug, "He's just jealous he's not the one under my umbrella."

Cedric laughs, shaking his head.

"Who's that?!" Hermione points as the Bulgarian team makes their entrance.

"Only the greatest seeker in the world!" one of the Weasley twins says before a huge magical banner introducing Krum is put before us.

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