Welcome To Queen, My Lovelies

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•• May 7th, 1974 - 7:02 pm

I gazed upon the large and empty stage. The chatter of the crowd seemed to excite me more and more. Most of my friends were able to join me at the concert, except Darcy, who was off with the horn professor at Tanglewood.
The twenty or so minutes in between present time and the concert's printed starting time was a tedious stretch of jazz band chit-chat and microphone tests.
'Testing.' Said a man from behind stage. He had a very apparent English accent, with a hint that they had a small lisp.
'Sounds like a Baritone.' My friend said. 'Pitches love Baritones.' She continued.
I rolled my eyes. 'Enough with your puns! They're terrible, Myla.' I sighed. 'Don't think that because I'm a bari means that I can't tell things about people, Gwen!' She said in a jokingly defensive manner.
•• May 7th, 1974 - 7:30 pm
The crowd hushed as a man, whom they call 'Freddie Mercury' came on stage. He was of average height, a bit thinner than what you'd think of someone around 5'11. He had long, wispy black hair, and bad teeth. Which, being a band from England, didn't disturb me in the very slightest. He walked to the piano on the right-hand side, and played a C chord. Once he was satisfied, he looked over to the side of the stage, motioning the rest of the band to follow. He stood at center stage as three more took their places.
The others consisted of a blonde. He was visibly young, probably my age, and looked very feminine. The other came out with a bass, and looked straight out of high school. And, the last...I couldn't get a very good look at his face. But, all I could see was clogs, long, thin legs, and a head of long, curly dark hair.
The crowd began to clap and cheer. The lead vocalist took the microphone and began to speak. 'Hello, there darlings.' He said.
'We'd first like to play a song we thought would never go anywhere, but really surprisingly did.'


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