"Hey, Dad. Hi, you must be Rosanna Dad told me about you. That's my mom and my grandma."


"Hi, Mingus was saying your name was Rosanna I'm Helena my name's not mom."

"I'm Maryanne. Norman son a little warning, I would've brought your stepdad with us. It's nice to meet you, honey. Come here honey let me look at you. Oh, look at the belly." I'm surprised Maryanne hugs me.

"Norman, you surprise me mister here I was thinking Ming would be an only child and you wouldn't give him a sibling nice. All things considered, you said you weren't it's nice to see, you're a good dad." We took well not me as Mingus and Norman refused to let me help.

"So, Rosanna, we want to know all about you. Oh by the way I hope you don't mind, I'm sure Norman wouldn't mind I decided to come but I was just dying to meet you when Ming told me about this I invited myself but technically we'll be family seeming our kids will be brother and sibling."

"Sister, I'm having a girl."

"Rosanna, so tell me about your family honey how many brothers and sisters do you have?" I couldn't help but start crying. "Oh, honey I'm sorry."

"Mom we'll explain everything come on honey gang let's go." We walked to the car and got in.

"Rosanna I'm sorry I upset you. Did you lose a family member?"

"I don't have a family but for this one inside me, I like to think that maybe my mom planned all this like she brought the cruise ticket, she brought me all these clothes for the trip, and the gift bags for the guests, and the photo ops. I'd never have done any of this if it wasn't for her. Because of her, we met. That's why her name's Destiny as it's as we'd never have met if my mom hadn't passed. You didn't upset me, Maryanne, I just miss her I think she'd be happy that she's going to be a grandma you know."

"Honey I'm sorry to hear about your mother but I'm sure that she's looking down at you and is happy to see you are happy since that's all we mothers ever want. That little one you're carrying isn't the only family you have a whole bunch now, Norman has a sister and two brothers and their families also I think we're going to get along just fine sweetheart." I felt Norman's hand on my leg squeezing me and smiled at me. It didn't take long to get back to Norman's place and I was talking to the three of them.

"Hey, what the fuck is that dad?"

"What Ming?"

"On Rosanna's hand? Are you two getting married you popped the question?"

"Yeah, I did and Rosanna said yes. We're doing it in a couple of weeks depending on how long it'll take for Rosanna to make the cake."

"Yeah, two's doable. As long as the cake is plain. It's the figures that'll take a long time. Babe, could you do something for me when we get back to your house?"

"Our place."

"It isn't mine until I move in and that won't be until after the wedding because I'm a traditional girl my mother would kill me if we lived together before you married me."

"Okay, babe but when we do you're mine. We aren't ever going to be apart." I like that idea though we need to talk about his work and mine as that'll keep us separated. I mean I know I should slow down and pace myself but this is the busy season and we're booked solid. I think we need to sit down and work a schedule out as I know mine and even now I'm still working late. But we'll discuss this later I just want to get to know my mother-in-law, she was impressed that I was a baker and independent I think, and that I wasn't a model was a plus. Norman organized dinner for the five of us. Helena and Maryanne were asking me if I had picked a dress, which I hadn't but I had seen one I liked, I was surprised when they said wanted to see it. So we arranged to go tomorrow then I realized that I hadn't talked to James and told him that I was getting married.

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