It is All Your Fault

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Eve pounded on the door. Her anger past its boiling point. How could she? How could she kill him?! Her twin, Cierra, opened the door, angry at first but then she saw Eve and beamed. "Eve! Im so glad you came to visit!" she exclaimed. Eve glared at her, not saying a word. Cierra blinked "Eve..are you ok?" she asked, worried "Don't give that shit" said Eve and Cierra's eyes widen "huh?"

Suddenly a fist connected with her face and she flew back. Eve stepped into the house "You bitch! You killed him!" Cierra held her now bleeding nose and looked up at her, confused "Who are you-uh!" Eve kicked her, pushing her into the floor. The sound of bone breaking could be heard along with Cierra's screams. "You know who! You killed Dante!" Eve screamed. Eve walked into the kitchen and grabbed a carving knife form one of the drawers. When she walked back into the room she saw Cierra going to grab her cell phone. Eve quickly stabbed her hand into the surface where the phone lied. Cierra screamed in pure agony, tears falling from her eyes. "Eve! Stop!" she begged, looking up at her. Eve clenched her teeth and punched her.

Cierra's hand trembled as she reached for the knife that was embedded into her hand. Eve's foot stomped onto the knife, digging it deeper into her hand. Cierra cried out. "Stay" Eve said and walked back into the kitchen and grabbed more knives. She came back and pressed a knife against her cheek. Cierra's tears spilled onto the blade as she cried "Its all your fault!" Eve sneered at her, "Its your fault why our parents hated us!" she dug the knife into her cheek, earning a whimper from Cierra "It's your fault that I have nothing now! It's all your fault!" Eve took the knife from her cheek, watching as blood trickled down her cheek. She watched as her frame trembled with her sobs. She felt nothing as she watched; no guilt, no sadness, no reject what so ever. She actually enjoyed this…

"I didn't do anything.." Eve heard Cierra sob out. She clenched her fists and stabbed her through the arm, making sure the blade went through her arm and stuck onto the surface of the table. She screamed "No more! Please!" Eve took another knife and grabbed her hair, pulling on it and ran the knife through her locks, cutting it with ease. Her light blonde locks fell to the floor.

Cierra felt as if time stopped for a moment before she felt the stinging pain as Eve stabbed her in the back. She screamed her throat raw. She felt like giving up, knowing she was being punished for a act she did not commit. Eve grabbed her hair by the roots and pulled her head back. Cierra looked into her eyes and saw no emotion of regret or guilt. Her heart broke, knowing that she wouldn't be remembered or missed. She watched as Eve brought her last blade up and stabbed her in the chest. Blood filed her mouth as her heart bled out. Eve pulled the blade out and stabbed the blade through her neck, quickly ending her life.

Eve stood and watched her sisters blood pool around her. She spit on her lifeless body "Good riddance.." "Whoa! I didn't think you would kill her." said Jake from behind as he stood at the door way. She turned and glared at him "I don't put out empty threats" she told him and walked passed him. Jake looked over at Cierra's body and smirked "Eve is so stupid..killing the wrong person.." he chuckled and turned, closing the door behind him and walked away, proud that he could get away with anything, even with the death of Dante.

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