M.U.S.E Chapter 21

Start from the beginning

"I wanna be where the people are, I wanna see, Wanna see 'em dancin'

Walkin' around on those, Whad'ya call 'em? oh - feeeeeeeet," I tickled hers as she sang the whole of the rest of the song and was wonderful. Holding her arms out to the side when she hit a big note just like little mermaid did.

John watched his eyes adoring his daughter singing like she had at Christmas but he was also analyzing her and I had to admit so was I.

"Oh yuk," John said as the baby got sick on him.

Aimee found it hilarious and fell about laughing. "Where did the baby come from mummy?" she asked me confused.

"That is your little brother remember?" I asked.

"What? When?" she asked screwing her nose up in disbelief.

"When you wished for him on your birthday," I said.

"I did!" she said amazed and got off the bed to go running over for a closer look. "Up daddy," she said scrambling onto his lap.

"Careful of the baby," I said.

"He can move," she said.

"No he can't, not yet," I said "So be careful please. Look how careful Daddy is with him. You have give him lots of love and kisses."

She stared at the baby, then at daddy, then back to the baby. John caught her hand just in time as she went to slap the baby's face, hard.

"NO!" he said.

I was out of the bed in a shot as she sunk her teeth into her daddy's arm and tried to smack the baby again.

I dragged her off. "Daddy said no! That is very naughty!" I said to her as I held her still by the arms.

"I don't like that baby!" she cried.

"Get back in that bed now and lie down!" I yelled. "Do not get out of it until you can learn to behave and apologise to Daddy and your little brother for biting and smacking!"

She hurried into the bed. Lay down and pulled the covers over her as she let out an angry scream and cried in temper. I glared at the bump in the bed as I turned to check out my boys.

"Are you ok?" I asked as I stroked Johns arm with teeth marks in.

He nodded. I could tell he wasn't though. That had shook him up.

"Do you want me to take him?" I asked.

He shook his head and tighten his grip on the baby protectively.

"I'm not going to hurt him," I promised.

We sat for a few minutes in silence. I helped wipe the sick off him and passed a new bib for the baby.

His attention was fixed permanently on the bump in the bed as I gave him a reassuring kiss on the head. "We will watch her like a hawk," I whispered. His eyes met mine and he nodded before they flicked back to the bed. "Go give the baby to Gordon to watch and come back. She might just need daddy cuddles and a reminder of what is right and wrong. She isn't as perfect. She has tantrums. Remember you sent her to bed the same way at Christmas for smacking Mary for dancing with you too much," I reminded him.

He seemed to ease a bit at the memory. "You sit with the baby," he said and passed him to me. "Sit there please," he said more as an instruction than request.

I watched as he walked over to the bed. "Aimee," he said "Come out from under there."

She screamed and kicked her legs in defiance without coming out.

M.U.S.E. (BOOK 1) (COMPLETE)Where stories live. Discover now