Start from the beginning

David Kel jumped twenty feet through the air and landed beside the running man. He grabbed him by his head and pushed down hard, smashing him face first into the ground.

Zephyr dashed across the open floor. She grabbed both of his arms, pulling them harshly behind his back and cuffed them.

The three droids ambled their way over and surrounded him.

David Kel stepped back. "You have been tried and found guilty of breaking the second Great Law: 'Thou sell not steal.' As you have stolen the right of choice away from the ones you have sold into human trafficking. Under the Lionhearted edicts, these three droids shall exact your decree judgment upon you."

David Kel and Zephyr turned and glared at the people as the three droids commenced in their work.


Steven walked into the training room to see both Stephanie and Catherine with their eyes closed. "Hey what you guys up to?"

Both of their eyes popped open and they began to nervously shuffle.

Stephanie managed to speak. "Not much, just... just training."

"Ah, I was wondering if there's going to be any supper or should I just fend for m..." His voice trailed off as he noticed the androids for both David Kel and Zephyr were missing.

He looked around the room and realized one of his dimensional doors looked like it was opened to some type of air shaft.

"What are you two doing?"

"Ahh.." Stephanie muttered.

"Alf, please displayed visual and audio from ground unit 0069 8."

A hologram displaying the visual image from the cameras in David Kel's eyes appeared in the middle of the room.

Through it, Steven could easily see the wealthy onlookers in the private bar.

"Operation complete, Sir." One of the droid said.

Stephanie turned the head of David Kel just-in-time to see one of the droids incinerated something. She accidentally made David Kel clears throat as he said, "Good, release him."

The man curled up in a ball, and Stephanie regained her composure. She had David Kel clearly state. "No one is above the law, and we will be watching you."

With that, she turned David Kel and began to walk to the door with the three droids closely behind.

Catherine managed to regain control of Zephyr and did the same.

Steven quietly fumed as he waited for Stephanie and Catherine to guide their droids back into the hall of the space station, were they made their way back to the small alley. Once they were sure they hadn't been followed they crawled into the ventilation shaft and went through the dimensional door back into the training room.

As he watched, he realized they had not been on a space station, but rather on one of the small colonies, and they had used one of his drones to get there.

He quickly grabbed one of the training hats and took control of the drone, and began to check over its time logs. After a bit he breathed a sigh of relief. At least they hadn't been sloppy.

He turned to them. "What did you two just do?"

They both fidgeted a bit, then Catherine stood up straight. "There was a post on the hologram video that disturbed both us and I was able to find out with definitive evidence that it was indeed true. So we took care of it according to the laws and edicts of the Lionhearted."

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