"You've always been something.." I slowly walked closer to her, "Do you want to come ice skating with me?"

"So we can reenact your part in Night Changes?" she knew me too well.

"And sing Teenage Dirtbag," I respond sarcastically, "No.. I just want to have fun with a girl. Not just a girl, you."

  She rubs her chin as if being in deep though the, "Ugh.. what the hell. Fine."

  "Perfect. Come on."


  To my fans I had made a huge mistake. But they needed to understand.. I might've wanted to be with Louis at one point in my life, but I've grown out of that phase. I like girls needless to say.

  And Noelle. She makes me feel all tingly inside like I actually am on this planet for a good reason. "Whoa, careful there love," I giggle as we swing around in our ice skates. Yes, the damn paps where taking pictures of us but I gave up on trying to hide from them.

  "Let's go back, I need to get some writing done," she exclaims, holding my hand gently.

  "Same.. that album. I need to finish writing a few songs also."

  "You should sing me one of the songs you've already written," we slowly take off our ice skates, "I bet it's amazing. I love your creativity, even if it's the most random thing."

"I don't know..."

"Please Harry," she suddenly catches me by surprise and sits on my lap, "Let's go back to the hotel, it'll be fun."

  She was acting different.. drunk. But she hadn't drank anything, "Are you okay?"

  "No I'm actually feeling really sick, like I'm going to pass out," she didn't seem worried, she began laughing hysterically like a crazy person.

  "We need to get you somewhere. Did you take any pills?"

  "No.. but someone gave me a dri—" just like that she fell backwards, her mouth wide open.

  "Oh my god, help! She just passed out," I stride alongside the ice skating rink and panic, people of course eye me, but don't have the slightest bit of sensitivity. "I think someone drugged her."

"Drugged her?" some guy with a long gray beard chuckles, "Or the bitch is just drunk."

"She's not drunk, we haven't drank all day," I rush her out of the door, and of course the paps follow me, asking me numerous unreasonable questions, "Get the fuck away from me, this is an emergency!"

I take her to the hospital, of course I could've had the ambulance called but I didn't want to cause a huge scene in front of everyone.. and I'm sorry if that sounds selfish.

I hastened into the large building, full of different types of people. "Help, she passed out without any reasoning!" I was on the verge of crying. She was the only thing I enjoyed in my life besides my music.

Without question they throw her onto a gurney and stroll her into a room on the third floor. And again I was being asked to take pictures by fans, who thought I was rude for saying no.

I collapse onto a hospital chair, covering my eyes to hide the fact that I wanted to crawl into a ball and cry. "Harry.." I look up, seeing Lincoln standing with an angry expression.

  "I've been gone for a week, and look at all of the drama and ruckus you've caused," he wailed, "This girl.. you are the reason she's in this situation! You are dragging an innocent girl into a life of terror."

  I scowl, but know that everything he was saying was completely true, "I like her a lo—"

  "I know you do! But it's not always about you Harry Styles. She probably doesn't want to be involved in your dramatic life. Find someone with the same lifestyle as you for god sakes. Just let the damn girl go," he kept talking, while some people recorded our conversation.

  I stand up, proud to be taller than the nefarious man, "You are fired, you ignorant asshole."

  "Excuse me? You can't fire me," he follows after me as I storm down the hallway towards the elevator, "You think you're so damn tough, now don't you H.S?"

  I shrill, "You work for me. Hate to break it to you baby, but you are officially fired."

  I give him a grin as the elevator door shuts, and I watch as his jaw drops. Harry Styles doesn't mess around with fools like Lincoln.

  I reach Noelle Jameson's hospital room and tread inside. She was awake, staring blankly at the pebbled wall in front of her, "Oh my god.. darling, are you alright?" the tears gathered in my eyes as I approach her bedside and take her hand.

  she slowly observes me, "Harry.. I feel so woozy. How the hell did I get here?" she suddenly starts to become alarmed by her surroundings.

  A doctor walks in, "You must be Harry Styles. My daughters are big fans of yours," god dammit, that isn't what's important.

  "What is wrong with her?" I charge, "She hasn't drank all day, or took any drugs. She just randomly passed out."

  "I'm assuming someone roofied the poor girl," he looks over at her with a simper, "The rink is going to check there footage to see who it could've been. Because she doesn't remember much."

  "Well.. what did they drug her with," I sat next to her, running my fingers through her hair.


  She places her hand on her head and groans, "God.. I'm fine. They probably just wanted different people to pass out. That son of a bitch."

  "So, is she okay?" I chomp down on my lip.

  "Yeah she's fine. Just a little woozy for some reason," he seemed inexperienced, which I didn't respect.

  "Okay, could I take her back home now?"

  "Sure," he convulsed, "And young one, be careful dating celebrities. It never ends well."

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