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We sat in her bedroom as the party was happening, writing a song that came from deep inside of her heart. I was surprised hearing her spill out her life stories to me. But I was really interested.

"So.. your family is rich, but they care more about your sister than you?" I question, "At least you don't have to deal with people following you everywhere."

"At least people recognize, and love you Harry Styles," she playfully slaps my arm, "But in my family, I'm just the grumpy older sister who doesn't get payed attention to."

"Understood. But it doesn't make sense, you're gorgeous," I cover my mouth afterwards, wondering if I shouldn't have said that yet.

  "Thank you.. but that doesn't matter. I'm just a girl with rich parents, who is trying to just be normal," she sighs, and closes the notebook slowly, "What about you? Do you ever wish you weren't famous."

  "All the time. People treat me differently. I try so hard to be normal, go places without being followed or asked to take a picture. And I also know that people kill to be in my situation, so I shouldn't take it for granted. But it gets upsetting."

  "People don't like me.. they think I'm snobby because of my parents. I don't want it to be that way anymore," she lies down on her bed, "But I shouldn't complain. You have it worse."

  I lie down next to her, "It's fine. Life can just be tough sometimes."

  "Harry!" Niall runs into the room, seeming completely drunk, "I've been looking everywhere for you, why'd you come up here?" he looks over at Noelle, "Oh.. I see."

  "No, it's not what it looks li—"

  "You weren't shitting me. Niall Horan is really here," she sits up quickly with wide eyes, "Dang."

  He closes the door and walks closer to us, "Why don't you tell me who your little friend is Harry."

  "This is Noelle Jameson," I smile, "I'm helping her write a song. She goes to Juilliard."

  "Wow, that's real talent. What instrument do you play?"

  "You just assume I play an instrument?" she says defensively, "I play the piano, and sing a little."

  "You sing? Well someday I'm going to have a record label. So give me a call if you're interested," I chuckle, and pull out my phone, "Here's my number."

  "Uh, okay," she forces a smile and types in my  number to her phone.

  "Just don't leak it."

"I'd never do such a thing," she yawns, "The parties going to last forever. If you want to sleep I can set up a bed."

  "Uh, no that's okay. I think we are goi—"

  "I'm not leaving anytime soon, go ahead," Niall interrupts, and starts randomly screaming as he runs out of the room.

  I look back at her with a faint smile, "Well.. I guess I'll go to sleep."


  She takes a sleeping bag out from under her bed and places it on the floor, "Here you go, I'm sorry I don't have a couch in here for you to sleep on."

Ever Since New YorkTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang