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Y/n's Pov
I haven't seen Ciel since the death of his parents. I remember going to the Phantomhive Estate almost everyday with mother. His smile would always make my day but from what I've been told he doesn't smile anymore.
I decided since it was a nice day I'd go visit Sarah, my best friend. I took the alley way short cut since it was taking too long and boy what a mistake that was.

 I heard footsteps behind me I didn't think to much of it I mean people walk down this way all the time right? I stopped to turn around to see who was behind me. "Hello?" I called out but the person didn't respond. I continued to walk a little faster and the person started walking a little faster as well. The person caught up to me a few moments later. "Young lady you shouldn't be by yourself. " he said with a grin. His breath reeked of beer and cigarettes. "I'm quite fine by myself actually ." I said. I tried leaving but he overpowered me. He looked at me with his disgusting grin before knocking me out.

~A Few hours later~
I'm guessing a couple hours I woke up. My body was numb.. I was lying down, tied up to a table. My mouth gagged with a cloth. My screams muffled and unheard. Multiple males soon entered the room. Tears running down my face. "I'm going to be raped then murdered." I thought. The guy who knocked me out started to feel me up "God this is disgusting." I thought.
He started to cut my dress up even more making me more exposed. All of a sudden the lights went out then back on in a blink of an eye. All the males had silverware in their throats except one. The guy who followed me.
"David that's not how you treat a lady." The raven haired guy said.
"Go to hell!!!" David screamed the raven haired guy smiled and with that David got a knife to the throat.
I don't know if I should be scared or what. I mean he did kill 12 guys in front of me,but he did save me. The raven haired guy slowly walked up to me and un gagged me and untied me. "Young master it's safe to come out." The raven haired guy said.

A/n hi I hoped you enjoyed!
if you are a victim of sexual assault I'm sorry if ptsd came up. Love ya guys and I hope you enjoy the book. ~Luna

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