Chapter 2: My New Dragonlady... Umbridge

Start from the beginning

   "Tastes like candy canes and Christmas," I spin around at the voice.

   Almost dropping my fruit in the process, I fling my legs around the bench and tackle the guy with a hug.

   "Moose! Oh my God!" I screech, not believing that he was seriously here right now.

   "Hey, Kimber! Fancy seeing you here!" He says, fake British accent showing through. Rolling my eyes, I pull back, holding him at arms length.

   "I wouldn't have guessed... You're a wizard?! And a Ravenclaw?! Since when?" The questions were barely understandable coming from my mouth. Moose just chuckles, patting his robes.

   "Been goin' here since I was eleven. Tried to be normal though, but I know everything about everyone in our year. Who's dating, who's hating, that sort of thing," How ironic, Pansy and the Drakie dude walk in, Drakie looking pissed.

   "Pansy, get off me!" His voice exclaims, his arm swiping away from hers.

   Tapping Moose's shoulder, I couldn't help but whisper, "I wonder what category they are in."

   Moose smiles slightly, chuckling again. "Thats Draco Malfoy and Pansy Parkinson. They have been on and off all year... well for the last couple of years actually. Draco gets annoyed with her all the time, and then she still thinks they are "dating" so she treats it that way. Apparently, no girl here measures up to his standards. Welcome to the Hogwarts Relationship Soap Opera, Kimber," He explains. 

   "Great, and I'm just in time for the season finale," Glancing back at Draco and Pansy, I knew this year was going to be filled with drama.... and MORE drama. Merlin help me.

   Moose sits with me, taking some toast and a bit of cereal. I just stick with the banana and pumpkin juice. I still couldn't believe that he was here right now.

   "Moose, how exactly do you go to Hogwarts AND the Academy in one school year?" I ask, swallowing my mouthful of banana. Moose lets his spoon mix the soggy cereal around for a moment before answering.

   "I have my ways," And the conversation on that topic ended. Personally I thought it was amazing that he could be in two places in one school year. To him, I guess he thinks it's nothing special. 

   Breakfast went on with Moose cracking jokes, playing his overrated music and just being Moose. I kept feeling this gaze on me though, and it wasn't Moose's. Turning around ever so slightly, I glance over my shoulder to find Draco staring at me... AGAIN. What is with this dude? Seriously.

   "Moose, do you wanna head to class a little bit early?" Moose was just finishing his cereal. 

   "Sure. Off to Divination! Here, let me see your schedule. I wanna see how many classes we have together," His eagerness makes me giggle as I yank out the parchment from my bag. Moose examines it, taking another bite from his toast.

   "Well, looks like you have been blessed, Kimber. I am in every one of your classes. Except for my night class, Astronomy. But hey, that doesn't count," With that, we bolt up from the table, heading up to Divination.

   Moose babbled on and on about how weird Professor Trelawney was, describing her as being a hippie on steroids or something like that. I took his word for it, Moose knows how to "read" people. He knows how to determine their personalities. Hell, he could go ahead and be the Sorting Hat for all I care.

   The Divination classroom was just as weird as the teacher. Engravings on the walls, tables set up with cloths thrown over them, crystal balls resting on stands. Each table surrounded the main area in different levels, Professor's table was in the middle, a big chair and ball accompany it, as well as a small cat. A few people were already here, which surprised me considering that class wasn't going to start for another like ten minutes. Even witches and wizards need their social time I guess. Oh wait, that now includes me... My bad.

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