Special #3: A Day At The Lake

Start from the beginning

But no Sebastian…the light flashed again, this time Kat caught sight of the tall figure on the other side of the lake waving her over.

Suspicious… Nonetheless he was her superior if he called she came. Carefully, she picked her way around the shore, her feet sinking blissfully into the white sand. Approaching where she had seen him signaling her she slowed, listening carefully for any sound, for the butler had disappeared. Suspicious…just too suspicious.

Another flash of light at the edge of her vision drug her attention to the forests edge. A pair of fiery red eyes stared back at her.

“I’m not going any further! If you have something to say, you can do it from there!” She shouted, rubbing her arms as the chill of the night began to sink into her skin. The sun had finally fully set with the moon having risen in its place.

The red eyes seemed to flare for a moment before disappearing back into the forest. Fine then be childish, she thought, this actually only reinforces my suspicions. Kat turned her back on the forest, fully prepared to go and join the others back at the camp fire when a high pitched whine made her ear itch. She cut a scathing glare back at the forest and the noise ceased.

She narrowed her eyes, what was he up to?

“Are you looking for someone?” Kat jumped and whirled, her hand going to her hip for her pistol. Sebastian merely grinned at her when she realized to her chagrin that she hadn’t brought any of her weapons with her today.

“What do you want?”

“I have no idea what you mean.”

Kat felt her temper flare for a moment, the collar biting into her neck, “Very funny. If you have no need of me I’m leaving.”

When Kat began the trek back to the others, he had to hurry to match her stride, she felt a peculiar sensation run down her spine. Something was about to happen. She cut a sideways look at Sebastian just before his arm shot out to push her into the water. Kat stopped short and back flipped out of his reach. “I knew it! I knew you were up to something!”

Sebastian grinned evilly, “Yes, I can’t have you getting away with throwing me into the lake now can I?”

“Of course you can.”

“I don’t think so. I’ll give you a thirty second head start…go.” Not wasting any time Kat rushed him, throwing her leg out so he had to lean backwards to dodge she quickly retracted and used her other leg to sweep his feet out from under him. He landed with a soft whoomp, scattering a cloud of sand.

“And who should be running?” She asked triumphantly.

“You.” His eyes flared again and before Kat could react he was on his feet again with arms wrapped around her from behind, effectively pinning her arms to her sides. “You, definitely, should have run while you had the chance.” He whispered in her ear.

He carried her purposefully towards the lake.

Its insulting he thinks it would be this easy. Kat rammed her head backwards, forcing him to lean back again, but this time she hooked her feet behind his knees, so when she raised hers his own momentum brought him back down to the sand.

The force with which he hit was enough to slightly wind even her, “Give up yet?” She wheezed. His arms tightening around her was the only answer. Reaching to the side, the only avenue available to her hands, she pinched his side. Surprised his grip slackened for a moment, more than enough for Kat to slide through. “Ha Ha, I win.”

He frowned and sat back up, a thin trickle of blood streaming down his face, “I do say I did lose this time didn’t I?”

“I’d say, not come on, let’s go back, that looks like a nasty cut.” She reached forward to gently brush the black strands of her away from the small wound, “Sorry, for hitting you like that.”

“Like what you didn’t hit me.” The red flashed again, as he seized her outreached wrist and twisted pinning her against the sandy bank.


“A small thing of fish blood, just in case. A nice touch don’t you think?” He held her hands in place behind her back with one hand and dexterously lifted legs with the other. “Revenge is sweet.” Without further ado he threw the protesting Kat into the lake. Only to be yanked in himself when a slender hand refused to release his during the throw. They both landed in the water with an echoing splash.

Kat came up before he did, coughing up water, Sometime I really hate that guy. She drug herself back up onto the beach and fell with a flop onto her back, still coughing. A heavy squelching sound beside her told her that Sebastian had done the same.

“You were wrong you know, revenge isn’t sweet.”

“No, I don’t believe it is.” He squeezed his soaking neck tie out on her face, leaving her to cough even more, “But it makes me feel better.”

There was a loud clunk as a stone slammed into the back of the butlers head. For a moment he stared mutely back at the stone before falling forward, his head on Kats lap, unconscious.

Rhose stood on the other side of the lake grinning, “But Butler, my friend, is it not even better when revenge does not involve you losing your dignity.” He shouted across the lake, sending several sleeping birds from their roosts.

Kat smiled and wiped some of the water away from Sebastian’s face. Quietly she placed a small kiss on his forehead, “Thank you, for today, and for everything.” He stirred slightly but stubbornly remained unconscious.


I felt the characters had been through a lot recently, plus Lizze hasnt been seen in a while, and decided to give them a day off. I do have another Special in the works, this time it will be all about Rhose so if there any fans of his out there, just wait it'll be a good one. A blue print of things to come if you will....hint hint...Anyway Chapter 28 Overview: The Broker has kidnapped the Earl and has laid a trap in wait for Kat. What will happen? Will she and Sebastian survive? Or will what happens afterwards be the end of it all?

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