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A/N: I'm so sorry... March was a busy month for me because I completed projects, requirements, my clearance and I have exams since yesterday till tomorrow! But I would like to thank you all because I reached 2.1k reads! I really appreciate all of you reading this and accepting how kinda crappy I write. So on to the announcements.

Announcement #1: This book is almost halfway done!

Announcement #2: Something surprising will come soon.

Announcement #3: I'm writing 2-3 more fan-fics this summer. I already published 2 (You Belong With Me and Ready)

IMPORTANT!!!: I need PEOPLE TO COMMENT THIS IS IMPORTANT. Who do you prefer for Chrissy more? Kyle or Angelo?

Thank you all again and please comment and answer the question... Byeeeee

- Kiarra

Infinity // Chrissy CostanzaOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora