Chapter One - The Last Kennedy

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He storms out of the doorway, slamming it behind him. Rose chokes back tears, because Kennedys don't cry.

Rose is still in bed when Joe Sr. returns home that afternoon. He sits down in a chair near the bed rubbing his temples, Rose looks up from a letter she's reading.

"How was the fundraiser?"

"Expensive, like they all are. But it's for a good cause."

Rose smiles, "And you're certain Roosevelt will reward you for your help?"

"Of course. I need a job in government, Rose, and I'll pay for it if I have to, and I have to."

Rose goes back to her letter, she doesn't like talking about her husband's political aspirations. She'll help should one of their boys ever run, which they will, but that doesn't mean she likes talking about bribes and politics and blackmail.

"Jack writes from Choate. He asks us if he can be the baby's godfather."

Joe Sr. laughs, "That little ass sure is full of himself for a 14-year-old. A brother who's a godfather? It's never been heard of."

Rose frowns at Joe Sr., "Don't be so hard on Jack, he just wants to make you proud."

"Then he should stop being such a troublemaker."

Rose sighs, she knows that Joe Sr. loves his children, but she also knows that he loves some of them more than the others, Jack was not one of them.

"I'll write him back that we should very much like for him to be the godfather."

Joe Sr. laughs, but then looks up at his wife, who has a determined look on her face.

"Oh Rose, you can't be serious. He isn't even an adult! What will everyone think?"

"They will think that Jack loves his brother and wants to be apart of his life in a beautiful way."

Joe Sr. scoffs, but doesn't raise another argument to Rose's decision, instead he gets up.

"I should go write to Joe Jr., I owe him a letter."

"Alright.", Rose looks up at him, "I know that Jack would like one to."

"Maybe later." Joe Sr. leaves, and Rose rolls her eyes. She pulls up her lap desk and began writing, Dear Jack,. He may not get a letter from his father, but he'll always get one from his mother.

One Month Later

Rose wakes up to a sharp pain, one that she recognizes. She's felt it eight times before this moment, and she shakes Joe Sr.

"Joe. Joe. Joe!"

Joe wakes up with a start.

"Jesus Christ, what is it?" He's obviously annoyed.

"The baby.", says Rose, "it's coming."

Joe Sr. rubs his eyes and puts on his glasses.

"Jesus Christ I hate it when the little buggers decide to come in the middle of the night."

"Oh Joe, it isn't a time for jokes."

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