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"You were the shadow to my light
Did you feel us
Another start
You fade away
Afraid our aim is out of sight
Wanna see us
      The meeting was simple,
Go to Stark
And help him train spidy.
       The problem is the fact that me and spider-boy hate each other. I kicked his lil booty with Cap and Bucky.
       Anywhore we are getting off track. As I was walking back to my apartment, I put what little hair I have left(I have short hair/Tom's length) up in a bun atop my head.
"ARCHER!!" Daisy called out. You're lucky if you don't know Daisy...She also hates me. The only people who like me are the Avengers....and my dad.
"Fitzsimmons needs more tests.." she states out of breath. She takes a few away because I didn't reply
"Daisy, don't be so scared!" I say with a smile. I then pat her on the back and say "lead the way hun."
          * 20 minutes later*
"Basically the Jesus Drug makes the tissue grow back?" Simmons yells "WE NEED ALL THE SAMPLES WE CAN GET!!" She continues with her rant "Sorry to interrupt but Daisy said you needed more tests done."
Fitz smiles and walks over and checks my pulse per usual and then gets my temperature. "You're burning up again! What the hell!" Fitz yells in defeat. "I just got your temperature down an hour ago." Simmons pipes in. "Go get ice cream!" Fitz demands "yes sir!" I laugh at his goofy actions as he does more to the blood samples from last week.
                 *in the kitchen*
Searching for the ice cream Grant Ward walks in confused " I though you went out for lunch?" Ward asks "Fitz wants me to have ice cream to get my temperature down..." I reply quietly. Clearly I'm more confident around the scientists. "Oh well I bought your favorite." Ward says with a smile and hands me a French vanilla carton "Thanks..." I reply with confusion as to why he's being nice.
Just then my dad, Agent Coulson, walks in, and gives Ward a look. " hey! How's Steve?" My dad asks "who's Steve?" Ward asks "Steve Rodgers... ya know..... Captain America... and Steve is fine but Peggy, my sister, just passes away" I said sadly. Surprisingly both men hugged me.... Ward hates me. They all do. I have to stop being hated yaknow.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2017 ⏰

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