Chapter 2 "Neo power activate"

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Date October 10th 2015

At a small town in Greece at its very own highschool harry a 15 years old teenager is sitting on a bench at the highschool yard all by him self having no one to talk to and unable to approach anyone because of the lack of courage.

Harry:Why is everyone so.. Weird? Every time I am ready to approach them knowing what to talk about and how to enter the conversation they always change the subject. I am never going to find any friends.

Harry sighs and looks down but then he feels a weird feeling like his spine got frozen. He immediately gets up but the pain is too much and he faints.
He opens his eyes but is still of the ground? No he wasn't on the ground there was nothing under him only a slight layer of a blue colored material like glass.
He immediately stands up looking around in panick around him there was only that glass looking material creating a room. He could see through it and what scared him most was that out of that "room" he was in there was nothing than total darkness.

Harry:W..where am I? Is anyone out there?! There is no respond to his words.

Harry:Someone... Help me!

Behind harry a cracking sound is heard. He immediately turns around and sees a crack on one of the walls. There is some black smoke leaking in from it and it forms a small black creature like a little human but it was not human at all. It had yellow glowing eyes and a creepy smile.

Harry:W..who are you? What are you?!

It doesn't answer and comes closer to Harry.

Harry:D..don't come any closer I..I warn you. Get away!

Harry is more scared than any time before in his life. The creature jumps towards him.

Harry screams:Please someone help!

A glow appears in the room and Harry closes his eyes then the sound of something being stabbed was heard.
Harry opens his eyes slowly in fear only to see that he is holding a light blue sword not made from any known kind of metal and that on it is the creature stabbed. The creature turns back to smoke and the smoke disappears like it never was there. Harry looks around and the crack from the wall is gone too.

Harry:What happened?!

The room starts getting smaller.

Harry:that is not good.
Somebody get me out of here! Help!

The room keels shrinking and it becomes one with Harry's skin. He starts screaming in pain while he was feeling his skin being torn off and replaced with hot glass.
Harry can't stand it and faints from the pain.
When Harry opens his eyes he sees that he is in the hospital and that his parents are there glad that he is awake.

Harry:W..why am I in a hospital?

Harry's mother:You fainted at the school and we came to pick you up. You were unconscious for hours.

Harry's mind:Was it all a dream? If it was then it probably was a nightmare.

The doctor walks in.

Doctor:I just checked and saw that there was nothing wrong with him. You can take him home now.

Harry's father:Thanks doctor

Harry and his parents go home.

Date October 11th 2015

Harry goes to school like nothing happened.
At the middle of the first class black smoke appears on the floor and everyone panics thinking there is fire but instead of fire many creatures like the one that attacked Harry appear.

Harry:It wasn't a dream!

The creatures attack everyone. Harry rushes towards one of the creatures and then the same sword appears on his hand. He smiles and swings his sword killing the creature. But that got everyone's attention, both creatures and humans.
Some time later after Harry eliminates all the threats everyone is staring at him waiting for answers.
The sword vanishes and Harry looks at them.

Harry:Don't look at me I know as much as you do.

They walk away not believing him. That day all lessons got canceled and everyone got home.
Harry didn't talk to anyone all day and at the night he lyes down to his bed to fall asleep and asks him self.

Harry:What is wrong with me?

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