I nod my head at him, glad that at least one of us has a girlfriend, who is not mad at the moment.

It then strikes me that Haley is probably not my girlfriend anymore and I tighten my hold on the steering wheel. My heart hurts when I think about Haley in somebody elses arms.

How could I have been so stupid and ruin everything?

We arrive at home and Chase walks upstairs to get ready for his date with Laura while I slump into a kitchen chair with a sandwich.

My mom enters the kitchen and admonishes me for eating a sandwich before dinner.

"You'll just spoil your appetite.", she says and starts to prepare dinner.

When she realizes I am not going to argue with her, like I usually do mom takes a seat on the kitchen table as well.

"What's wrong Jason? And don't say nothing, because I realize in what a bad mood you're in since monday.", mom tells me seriously.

I sigh and let my gaze lower onto my sandwich.

"I kept something from Haley.", I admit and my mother instantly wants to know what.

So I explain to her what happened and my mom does not Interrupt me once.

"Okay, I get it.", she says after I am finished and I sigh.

"I'd be mad as well Jason, but I think Haley will realize that you just meant to protect her.", mom encourages me and I admit: "I did at first, but after, I thought that maybe Haley would've a hard time trusting boys again. I was purely selfish!"

My mom nods her head and replies: "I get what you mean, but I think Haley will be able to put herself in your shoes and she 'll realize that she'd probably do the exact same thing."

I nod my head at her, but I am still unconvinced.

"Even if Haley can't, I'm sure she'll listen to your side as well. That's just the person she is.", mom tells me softly.

"But I didn't give her any reasons to listen to me now.", I tell her frustrated, but my mom has a different view.

"Other than that you were always honest with her Jason and that's worth a lot."

I nod my head and my mom senses that I am finished talking and want to be left alone.

I walk upstairs into my room and try to concentrate on my homework, but I need ten times longer for the most simple exercises.

When my mom calls me for dinner I decide to give up and shove my homework from the table.

Dinner is spent in silence and I am glad, because I am not in the mood to talk.

My mom fortunately does not do anything to interrupt the silence and when we are finished she tells me to go upstairs again and that I do not have to help her today.

I do as she says and let myself fall onto my bed.

I close my eyes and think about Haley again.

Suddenly I realize that it must be several minutes after 7 and I rush to my phone only to see a message from Haley.

My hearts starts to race and my hands begin to sweat.

I breath in deeply before I open her text.

I'm sorry for just texting you now!
I got your letter and I needed time to think. Thank you for the letter and giving me time.
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? I'd like to talk with you

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