Chapter Twenty Two- Adore You

Começar do início

"Oh my God! Y-You're R-Randy Orton! A-And you're A-AJ Lee! We love you guys so much!" The first one says. AJ and I smile.

"C-Can we please get a picture? A-And can you sign these?" The second fan asks, holding four posters, two for each of them.

"Sure." AJ says smiling. We take a picture with them and sign their posters.

"Thank you guys so much!" They said as they walk away. We both wave at them. We link hands and continue walking again. I spot the ferris wheel and point at it.

"Hey babe, let's ride the ferris wheel!" She looks at me with terror on her face.

"Babe, you know I'm scared of heights. I-I'm not getting on that." She says. I wrap my arms around her waist.

"Please babe, for me?" I ask, looking at her with those sad eyes that she can't resist. She smiles and softly sighs.

"Fine. But only once." I smile softly and we walk and get in line.

Kaitlyn's POV

We finally decided to get up after being lazy for a little while longer. It's 12 in the afternoon. Dolph and I get up and shower. I put on a Stealing the Show And Your Girlfriend shirts I cut up, black skinny jeans, and blue chucks. I loose curled my hair, applied a little makeup, sprayed a little perfume and sat on the couch and went into deep thought. I sighed and ran ran my fingers through my hair.

I love Dolph, but I love AJ too. Both of them are perfect. Dolph is an old flame, but her hurt me so bad in the past. He say he's changed, and I want to belive him. I do belive him. He's just been amazing these past couple of days. He helped me when I was going through the break-up with Sheamus, but so did AJ. Now on to AJ. She has been there for me all my life. We've been best friends since high school. She has stuck up for me when no one else would in high school. But so did Dolph. But right now, AJ has my heart. But she's with Randy. I don't know. I'm so confused, but I don't wanna be. I attacked Kofi for a reason. But she told me we shouldn't continue what we have, because of Randy.

"Kaitlyn? Kaitlyn?" I heard Dolph's voice and I came back to reality. He had on a muscle shirt, shorts, and vans.

"Y-Yeah?" I say.

"Are you okay. You looked kinda zoned out." He said smiling a little. I smile too.

"Oh that? I was just deep in thought that's all. You ready?" I ask him, standing up.

"Yep. Where do wanna eat lunch?" He asks as we walk to the elevator. I smile at him.

"Subway it is then." He says. He knows me so well... 

We walk through the lobby and out to the parking lot, he opens the door for me and I blush and get in. As we drive to Subway, All The Right Moves by One Republic comes on the radio. Dolph and smile at each other and start singing.

 All the right friends in all the right places

So yeah, we're going down

They've got

All the right moves and all the right faces

So yeah, we're going down

Let's paint the picture of the perfect place

They've got it better than when anyone's told ya

They'll be the King of Hearts, and you're the Queen of Spades

Then we'll fight for you like we were your soldiers

I know we got it good, but they got it made,

My Unexpected Lover *Completed*Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora