"I... I don't get it." He frowned looking at the wall.

I started pulling away the dirt and rocks to reveal what was on the other side. Sonic cautiously approached the opening I created.

"It's.. Warm?" He asked in disbelief. He rushed inside and Shadow and I followed. I watched his eyes light up as he saw all the glowing crystals. "It's so beautiful." He was astounded.

I took off my boots and gloves and sunk into the hot spring. The water was a perfect temperature. I sunk my feet into the soft sand at the bottom and leaned back.

"You guys should join me the water is great." Sonic and Shadow both got into the nice warm water.

"This is a nice change of pace compared to running around in the rain." Sonic put his arms behind his head and relaxed.

"I can imagine. By the way could you make it down to the beach?" Shadow asked.

"No the flooding is really bad, the sea levels have risen so much that they are almost all the way into the forest."

"Wow, that's not good."

"Yeah, I wonder if that's what happened to the village."

"It's a possibility." I added to their conversation. "Do you think we will be safe here in this cave? I know there seemed to be someone living here before, but where are they now?"

"Maybe they managed to get off this island. That's a nice thought." Shadow grumbled.

"Or they could have died, like we probably will."

A silence fell over the small room and I instantly regretted saying anything. I turned away from Sonic and Shadow and rested my head on the edge of the small pool.

"We can't lose hope that easily." Sonic said, rubbing my back.

"It's just hard to have hope when we seem to have the same conversation over and over again that just leads to 'we will find out when it happens.'" I snapped at him. "I'm tired of waiting! I miss my home, and I miss blaze, and I miss being able to relax knowing everything is okay. Everyone probably thinks we are dead, and at this point it doesn't like they will be wrong for long." Sonic pulled his hand away from me and looked down. A pang of regret hit me and I held back tears.

"I miss them too.." He quietly mumbled. "but I try to keep my head held high. The only way we're going to die is if we give up. Just keep fighting with us and we can make it through this. Please don't abandon hope this quickly Silver."

I had no words. I stared at him for a few moments before tears rolled down my face. He scooted over to me and embraced me in a hug. I melted into his arms, trying to keep myself together the best I could.

"I-I'm sorry..."


Shadow's pov:

After the event at the hot spring, Silver and Sonic fell asleep together in our makeshift bed. Silver calmed down after a bit of soft talk from the blue hedgehog. I tried to sleep beside them, but I could seem to.

The rain had cleared up, but it didn't seem it would stay that way for long. I grabbed an empty pot and jumped down into the water from the waterfall. It was freezing, but it didn't seem to faze me much. I ran down as far as I could before I was met by the ocean's waves. It was almost up to the forest like Sonic had said. Looking at it, you couldn't even tell that there had been land there less than a day ago.

I grabbed a sturdy stick and scraped it against a rock, getting it as sharp as I could. I aimed it into the water and threw it down with full force, successfully stabbing a fish. I waded through the water and retrieved the stick. I threw the fish into the pot and aimed my stick again. I managed to get a total of five fish before it started sprinkling again. I ran back to the waterfall and hopped up into the cave we were using as shelter. Sonic and Silver were awake again and chatting quietly beside the fire.

"Nice to see you two are awake." They both looked up at me and smiled.

"Hey, welcome back. What were you doing out there?" Sonic asked. I walked over and sat myself down beside him.

"Here." I handed him the pot of fish, along with the stick I had used to kill them.

"Woah. Thanks dude." He gave me a peck on the forehead. "I can make you guys something to eat now."

Sonic began cooking up some fish while I explained to him and sliver an idea I had.

"Okay, so," I drew a circle in the sand, "you know how we have only stayed on this half of the island?" I motioned to part of the circle I had drawn. Sonic and Silver nodded in understanding.

"What if we travel around the island and see if there is anything interesting over there. Even if there isn't, it might be nice just to get out and adventure.

"That's a much better idea than sitting on our asses just waiting for help to arrive." Sonic said while setting cooked fish in front of Silver and me.

"How about we eat, and then head out? It's still pretty early in the day." Silver suggested. We agreed on that plan and quickly scarfed down our fish.

We gathered up most of the things we had brought to the cave and set out on foot.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2017 ⏰

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