"I don't know what she sees in you!" Tsunami called, thrashing against Sunny's grip as the NightWing sauntered away.

"And I don't know what you see in Riptide," He called back, and disappeared into the hallways.

"I swear, I'd punch him if you'd let me-"

"-you'll only get yourself hurt, Tsunami. He's better at you physically and in terms of fighting." Sunny scolded.

Tsunami opened her mouth a little, like she was a fish, her mouth gaping and closing as if the words on her tongue weren't there.

Tsunami slumped. "I hate it when you're right."

They stood there, in the hall, not really knowing what to do. Sunny felt herself falter a little- what if? What if Glory didn't want to see them, after what happened? It wasn't unlikely.

And that horrible feeling in Sunny's gut- it told her something.

She just didn't know what.


How much time had passed? Twenty hours? Thirty?

She didn't know. The thick coating of smoke blanketed the sky fully, an opaque cover that made calculation of time impossible. There was nothing except the ominous rumbling of the volcano and the silent glow of the magma churning below whatever cage she was in.

Then a click.

Glory whirled around, baring her fangs at-


It was him. It was Deathbringer, right in the scales, his eyes even more creepy under the illuminating pulse of lava.

"What are you doing here?" Glory asked.

"Getting you out," Deathbringer whispered, frantically beckoning Glory to come out. She did, although another twinge of guilt prodded at her as she suspected him of a trap.

"I have so many questions," Glory began, eyeing Deathbringer. "How did you know this place? How did you know I was kidnapped? Did-"

"Shh!" Deathbringer hissed. "Guards would come and inspect if-"

"Well I'm trapped in a freaking volcano, for scales' sake!" Glory stamped her foot. "I deserve to know the truth!"

"Come on," Deathbringer tugged On Glory's arm urgently.

Glory wordlessly glared somewhere else, refusing to meet Deathbringer's gaze.

"Why are you ignoring my question?" Glory demanded, but Deathbringer still dragged her across the twisting hallways and long corridors and she found herself wondering how he could know this place so well.

"Get into the car," Deathbringer said, stopping in front of a black car that reminded Glory of the dark backdrop outside. She entered the vehicle, her tail curling in, and found herself sitting on some sacks.

"What are-" Glory felt her voice hitch. "Are these the sacks used to-"

"Yes," Deathbringer answered, possibly the first time since he met her at the cage.

"So you stole the NightWings' car and got here?" Glory questioned.

Deathbringer didn't say anything, didn't utter a single word as he drove off into a pitch-black night, the smoke clearing as the silver moonlight poured in, something Glory thought she'd never see again.

She shifted on the sacks, her legs bumping uncomfortably in the seats, until she smelt a whiff of lavender, and her stomach dropped.

The same scent of lavender in the car.

The same scent of lavender on Deathbringer.

Deathbringer's eyes were like round holes of blackness, similar to the deep ocean, unable to see, unable to figure out. He seemed to have known that Glory found out from the pure look on her face.

He turned away and stared outside the window.

"You," Glory said, her voice like a trembling chord, vibrating to a level even Deathbringer didn't want to hear.

"You were the one. You knew-" Glory lurched forward as the car broke suddenly, silencing her words. Deathbringer growled under his breath and swiveled his gaze to look at Glory. "Look, Glory. This is my job. I have to do this, or my family would be killed. Understand?"

"No!" Glory barked. "I don't! You're kidnappings innocent RainWings and torturing them for venom- I'd like to understand that!"

"I got Kinkajou out, so you don't have to worry about any of that-"

"You kidnapped Kinkajou too?!"

"Glory, you don't under-"

"-because I'm a lazy RainWing?! Because- what, I'm just a dragon with perfect, spoiled grades and bad manners?!"

Deathbringer opened his mouth to argue, but his eyes were suddenly slack, like all the life had been sucked out of the sockets, leaving an empty shell.

Deathbringer continued driving, continued going down the road, weaving through intersections and traffic lights, and they never said anything after that.


Peril felt like she was out of her scales.

Kestrel? Her mother? It couldn't be- in fact, it was entirely impossible. Scarlet was her mother and she knew that.

Didn't she?


Dappled Sunlight: Wings of Fire Glorybringer High School AUWhere stories live. Discover now