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The sun darkened and began to slowly roll down the pale grey sky that was encrusted with a shimmery silver/grey horizon. A perfect break of dusk to lure someone towards your newest plan. Yes, you became a killer ever since your foster family gave you up without any hesitation. Although you knew there were such high risks of being caught, what did it matter? Jail would be more fun than lurking around the forest the rest of your life. The part that wasn't very bright about the woods, was that you weren't the only lingering mass killer.

"Damn," You hissed and flopped down to see one of your bear traps that had went off. But it was strange that the trap went of at such a arbitrary time. Perhaps a hinge snapped loose or some sort of accident when you set it up earlier.

Carefully, you re-set the trap and grinned, standing back up and holding your hips as you loomed over the opened trap in pride. 'Much better.' You thought to yourself and turned around, walking back to the small camp you slept at. Sitting yourself down, you pulled out your pocket knife and sharpening as you waited for some stupid teenagers run through the forest and fall into your 'playground' as they always did.

As the darkness crept its way along over head, the crickets remained silent which was highly unusual but satisfied you. Their annoying chirping usually was a cause of distraction for you. As you sat with your back straightened, you smirked and looked at the dark tree filled forest in front of you and waited for the sound of crunching sticks and leaves below a pair of running feet.

Just as usual, there was the running feet, thundering across the forest floor quickly. There wasn't any laughing, though. You thought they must be on a night stroll alone or something you couldn't care less about. "Hmph," You muttered and prepared the knife in your clamping palm.

The loud echoing of the bear trap was triggered and sang a song of sympathy to your ears as you awaited the ear-piercing screams to follow as they usually did. After a minute of entire and blissful silence, you stood and tilted your head in confusion. You leaned over and pulled out the flashlight from a compartment in your backpack and flicked it on. Gulping anxiously, you flipped the flashlight in your hand to keep yourself occupied in the night's intimidating darkness.

Walking forward, you took slow and easy steps and checked the ground occasionally to keep an eye-out for your traps. As you came in front of the trap, your eyebrows stitched. "What? I just reset you, fuckin' hell..." You hissed and apathetically rolled your eyes and sat criss-crossed your legs, picking up the trap and glaring at it.

"You shouldn't place them so carelessly. It was an easy dodge," A dark sneer remarked behind you as you quickly flung around to face who it was.

You immediately unsheathed your weapon and began to circle cautiously, holding it just an inch from you defensively. "Wh-who.. Wh-what... Who the fuck is that?! Tell me now or I swear-"

"You'll kill me? Pfft," The voice broke into insane and chaotic laughter. "try me. These are my victims bitch, and lately, you've been killing them off. I don't appreciate that." The male voice advised you as you felt a cold presence dwelling behind you.

You laughed to yourself and tried to keep calm and flinched. "Listen asshole, my victims are as much mine as yours. So don't be claiming strangers as your own to kill. After all, free country, isn't it?" You retorted with a small smirk, proud with your come-back since you hadn't had an oral fight for the time being so long.

The psychotic laughed gave out a snicker for a last time before replying swiftly; "You must be living in a different world, sweetheart." He took in a long breath before you heard the sound of metal withdrawing. "Go to sleep!" And with that, you heard as something lunged forward as a provoking attack.

Having some skills from the past few years, you slid away and barreled to the ground, your arm almost falling into a different trap. Gasping for the air knocked out of you back, you knew you had to stand yourself back up or whatever weaponry the anonymous man was using, would be placed perfectly into your back. "Fucking cunt..." You heard the audible mutter of the man.

You smiled and jumped to your feet. "Did you think a girl would be easy to kill? Predictable men..." You rolled your eyes and your smile disappeared. You jumped and dashed forward and quickly your hands formed around the throat of the man.

Before you were able to get a tight grip on his esophagus, you felt the cold hands grip onto your wrists and pull you forward and into the mans open chest. 'Wh-what the hell?! How'd he do that??' You thought, shocked and alarmed at such an instant response of attack. Quickly you felt him twirl you as if dancing and smash your back into the tree. A perfect pin... "I never said that, and you're very annoying. I am quite impressed with your skills though." His breath rolled onto your silky (s/c) face and you flinched, growling. "" And whatever was about to happen next, didn't...

You felt all the intense pressure between both your figures disappear as you listened to the quick footsteps of the running man. And that, was the night you met Jeff the Killer...

Jeff The Killer X Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now