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The next morning there was a knock on Claire's door.

"Just a minute!" She said.

When she opened the door, there was nobody there.

"Hello?" She asked leaning out of the doorway to see if there was anyone.

Claire looked down to see a dozen white roses. She picked them up and inspected them curiously. She looked for a tag to see who they were from, but there was nothing. She closed the door behind her and walked out to the bakery.

"Louis, did you give these roses to me?" Claire asked.

"No, the only flowers I got for you were the red roses from when we went out together a couple of days ago," Louis said.

"Oh, well, in sure the person will turn up eventually," Claire shrugged.

"Claire wait," Louis said.


"I heard what you did the other day. That was very brave of you. I appreciate that you did that for me," Louis said.

"Well of course! Now we can be together and we won't have to worry about anything," Claire said.

"Claire, as much as I want to spend time with you and have us be together, I don't think that it's really a good time,"


"I was threatened Claire, he beat me up. I think that we should give each other some space," Louis said.

"Oh. Well, I guess I will be leaving town then," Claire said.

"What? Claire no! You don't have to do that!"

"I know I don't have to, but I want to. Goodbye Louis."

Claire walked out of the bakery with the roses in her hand. She thought about the roses for awhile and figured out who gave them to her.

"Gaston!" Claire yelled angrily, walking up to him.

"Claire, I see you got my flowers-"

"I don't want your stupid roses Gaston!" Claire shouted, cutting him off and throwing them at him, "I want you to back off and stop trying so hard to earn my affections! Like I said before, you and I are never going to happen! Get that through your boorish and brainless head!"

Claire stormed off, practically shaking because she was so infuriated.

Gaston stood there, feeling rage fill up inside of him. He could see and feel all of the cold stares he was getting.

"What are you looking at?" He boomed.

Claire stopped in her tracks and turned around. She walked behind a corner and peeked around it.

"I know what you all think of me! Just say it!" Gaston thundered, "I'm a monster!"

Claire gasped and put her hand up to her mouth. She actually felt a bit sorry for the man... No. Claire quickly shook off the feeling. He deserved the cold treatment that he was getting from the small town. Gaston was a monster and there was nothing that he could do or say to make her change her mind.

Stone Cold | Gaston | Luke EvansOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant