Chapter 1

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Your P O.V.

Walking down my street, having me and my dad's argument replaying like a broken record, makes me wanna walk to the end of the earth. But, too bad I can't, cause of the water and all. He's all strict and stubborn just because Mom isn't here anymore.

She died when I was 7, I'm 17 now. She died due to brain cancer, I never exactly found out what caused it.

She knew she had it but she didn't want to worry us. She got diagnosed with it when I was the age of 5. By the next 2 years she had let the tumor spread rapidly. Before I knew it my Mom was dead... in my bed.

It's like she knew she was going, so she spent the last hours she had with me. It was weird but I didn't care as long as the warmth was still there but too bad it slowly went away. When the cold was there I cried and cried ... and cried. Soon dad came and carried me out the room and just held me like a new born.

Later paramedics took my mothers body away. I stretched out my tiny hands and fingers to her, hoping it was all a bad dream that would go away with 3 blinks (i do that with bad dreams) 1... 2... 3... Believe it or not, it was real and at the age of 7 I had to realize, my mother wasn't coming back...

I miss her so much.

I over heard mom one day tell dad to take care of me when she went away. But dad must've thought, "Oh, don't let her have a lot of friends, a boyfriend, and go to parties, live her life as lively as she can! OK!" Just stay locked up in that dark and depressing house a happy family used to live in.

Looking up, I've realized I might have walked way far out from my house. I was so deep in my thoughts, I zoned out and now... I'm lost in the woods.

I take out a flashlight I packed and start to scan the area. I don't see very much but at least I have some light. I start to walk further into the woods and stumble upon a Well. It's has gray bricks and ivory stems covering it and there's no top to cover it.

I look in it to see water, probably all the rain happening this spring filled it and more than likely another rain shower would flood it completely. I go to just tap the water and it moves!

I didn't even touch it yet!

Out of the blue a huge gust of wind blows through, good thing I have a sweater and sweats on. I look around with my flashlight scanning everywhere. I turn around to see nothing.


I turn back around to be meet with the face of a character I know from a show on Cartoon Network, Adventure Time is it's name. And the character is... The Litch. It's face is fowl, as well as his breath. It was halfway out the Well and soaking wet creating a musty aroma mixed with old sewer water.

"Come closer."

He whispered to me.

And what do I do? Scream and try to run but I'm grabbed by my hair/ neck (for those of you who have short hair).

He turns me right back and starts to go back in the water, WITH ME!

"Let! Me! GO!"

I scream as I kick and struggle to claw at his bony hands, all he does is laugh and continues to go back into the Well. I look around frantically and find a branch nearby on a tree and grab on with a death grip.

He looks to see what I'm doing and plunges straight in, making me cut myself deep on my hand. I scream out in pain, get plunged into the water and water quickly fills my lungs. And I soon pass out... cold.

A Strong Love {Reader x Marshall Lee}Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora