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Camille's POV

I noticed that i always use this IPAD MINI, i think i almost used it for an hour, using my social medias, playing games, luckily my mom didn't see me using this IPAD MINI, i feel addictive now, i think i'll get some low grades, but no way, i'm genius, and examination day is soon but when i'm browsing my INSTAGRAM account, i saw, i'm curious about his post, saw i open it, when i opened it, i widely opened my eyes, and saw my epic post, i'm starting to shout on my room, but i think my families is now already sleeping, i just cried at the wall, that post is so ugly, how dare him, but that is last year post now its on that picture, my hair looks shaggy i'm walking at the hallway that time, smiling with no reason, and i think that is when were Grade 7, how dare him, i was so ashamed at all, its on 200likes and 50comments, so this time i just knew about this, need to revenge, don't be so pathetic Camille!

Ancheta's POV

Staring at the window, remembering all what happens earlier, its now currently 11PM, and i can't sleep, then after that i remember what i post last year, WTF, did i just didn't delete my recent post of Camille! damn it, your so stupid Ancheta, ok, now i need to delete now, i think she don't know about my account, and didn't know about that post, so its good


Its now succesfully deleted (^_^), goodness i'm so stupid to post that picture, there is a likes and comments "hahaha" is always there comments others are "eww look nerd", and yeah i just brought my phone once that time, because i want to snapped Camille, and posted it, why did i do that, is there any fault of Camille on me, why i'm so bully guy!

Camille's POV


The bus is now already here, and i saw Ancheta, who wants to reserve me some seat, but i didn't sit, i'm angry on him, i wanted to cry infront of him, because i remember the post, i can't move on, on what he'd posted, because that was the most embarassing now,than the other one, maybe it called SOCIAL BULLYING on what he do to me (FROM THE CHAPTER 1) i will never ever forgive him until he didn't know how to say sorry to me, i know your a bad guy Ancheta, but you have no heart to post that on public, your unpityful Ancheta, i hate you!
After the bus came out from our school, i immediately went outside, and avoid Ancheta who is following me behind me, maybe you know about my feelings now Ancheta

"Hey Camille, i just want say something to you" He said while holding my arms and i'm letting off on his hand on my arms

"Can you stop it Ancheta!" I said while there is something a tears falling on to my eyes

"Please, i know what are your feelings!" He said while holding me on my hand

"On that post!" I shouted on him

Ancheta's POV

"On that post"
"On that post"
"On that post"
WTF, did i just heard it correctly, she know it, i think she found my social medias, or Precious said about that, i thought that her dramatic things, is with there friendship of Precious!

"How did you know" i said

"I found it from your social media account, it was posted last year, and that was the most embarassing on my entire life, how dare you to do that to me Ancheta, your unpityful" She said while taking off his hand on me, and walked out crying
You didn't know Camille, you didn't know that i'm pity on you now, sorry camille, i know that my apology so hard to accept it for you,but i'm really sorry Camille!

Author Note: I'm being pity at your Camille, and you Ancheta, please stop bullying Camille now, anyways thank u guys for reading this story votr and comment if u want

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