Chapter 45: Surprendre

Start from the beginning

@MaliaIDallas: look who it is

"Hey can we take a few pictures?" I asked Camilla and she smiled and said of course. I opened the camera app and turned it towards us and we took probably 4029 selfies then we did the same on her phone. Lily came up behind me and she got in about half of the photos we got in. There were like a billion of us making kissy faces and hugging each other tightly.

"Hey, I don't think this is technically allowed but I can talk to the manager of Austin's tour to see if maybe you can sing with Shawn or if you can come on with us," Camilla says to me and I almost did faint there.

"Someone catch me," I said and everyone came up behind me ready to catch me if I fell. I didn't fall of course but I was pretty close. Camilla laughed at my reaction but I don't think she knew how close I was to fainting.

"Here let me go talk to him," She says and she turns around to go find him.

"Oh my god Malia! You could be going on a real tour and singing in front of millions of people!" Lily exclaimed.

"Yeah, uh-huh," I said a bit uneasily. Don't get me wrong I love singing and I love my Nafians but I was nervous at the thought. My stomach was churning inside. I had never sung in front of this many people.

"Come on don't be nervous sis, you'll do great you always do," Cameron said as he rubbed my back. I smiled at him.

"Thanks Cammy," I said.

"Hey what's going on," A new voice said and I turned to see Shawn standing there with a confused expression on his face.

"Camilla is going to find Austin's manager to see if she can get Mals in the show just for tonight," Tay says. Well thanks Taylor.

"Really? That's awesome!" Shawn says as he picks me up and swings me around.

"Haha yeah, can you um put me down now?"

"Yeah sure," He says and sets me on the ground.

"So how was Camilla?" He asks with a knowing smile.

"She was amazing. She is even cooler in person, and she's so nice," I ramble out quickly and he laughs.

"I knew you would like her. I mean you only talk about her 50% of the time I am with you," He says sarcastically.

"Not true," I say in defense.

"Oh yeah, 75% of the time," He corrects himself and I couldn't help but laugh. "Hey I can show you guys around and you can meet everyone else," He offers and we all agreed with that suggestion.

We walked through all the equipment and first we met the rest of Fifth Harmony. We introduced ourselves to them and they seemed more excited to meet us than we were to meet them.

"Shawn talks about you guys all the time," Lauren gushes and you could see Shawn blushing a bit and scratching the back of his neck.

"It's actually kind of cute," Ali says with a laugh. I looked over at Shawn and he looked really red.

"Okay now that you have met everyone. Do you guys know where Austin is?" Shawn asked the girls.

"Um I think he is in his dressing room," They said smirking at me. I gave them a confused look but they only smiled at me. That was weird.

"Hey guys follow me, I think you all will really like Austin he is super cool," Shawn says. Lily was next to me and she seemed to be having a heart attack so I let go of Matt's hand, much to his dismay, and I grabbed Lily's hand and squeezed it. She smiled at me.

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